Dream Vacation with Companion/Client?

Hi, I haven't been visiting here for a while and it occurred to me it'd be interesting to learn where would be a dream vacation for companions and clients? Given that money and time issues were no problem.

Personally I'd love a couple of days at the Four Seasons in Maui followed by a couple of days at the Miraval Spa in Arizona. Great company with beautiful locations sounds like a scintillating possibility to me!

And you?
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  • Old-T
  • 07-07-2014, 10:23 AM
My first one was 2 week cruise/ground trip to Vancouver and Alaska. Absolutely fabulous in every way, especially the lady I was fortunate enough to be with. Lots of activity to keep engaged. Tremendous pampering on the ship, cold evenings and fireplaces at night.

Next choice: Machu Pinch.
Ooooh, that sounds lovely! Nothing like being pampered. Machu Picchu sounds great - intriguing choices!
Hi, I haven't been visiting here for a while and it occurred to me it'd be interesting to learn where would be a dream vacation for companions and clients? Given that money and time issues were no problem.

Personally I'd love a couple of days at the Four Seasons in Maui followed by a couple of days at the Miraval Spa in Arizona. Great company with beautiful locations sounds like a scintillating possibility to me!

And you? Originally Posted by Chloe Kensington
Went there for a week, absolutely loved it.
I think I would be trapped in the desire between two. A weekend in vegas as I have never been there for fun. Vegas promises to hit all of my vices. Wine, women (and the gentleman that took me of course), gambling, debauchery, shows, and I am very much a night oriented person.

Alternately a romantic cruise of 5-7 days. The beauty of nature captured in a romantic slow paced roll across the ocean. No rush, no need to be anywhere, simply the promise of intimacy, romance and relaxation.
A river cruise in Europe for about a week.
Miss Valentina's Avatar
A river cruise in Europe for about a week. Originally Posted by Zhivago52
Oh my! I did a Rhineland day trip in the autumn two years ago on a beautiful boat stopping at every castle and vineyard along the way. Spent that night in a medieval Hofschloss, I mean with huge 18th century carved bed, tapestries, gothic vaulted ceilings and fireplace so large four people could have stood in it. Had a dinner of boar and pheasant and other items native to the estate. Was a magical trip.

Would love to return just for a few days to Prague with a lover. Someone who is as interested in cultural travel as myself. Architecture, dining, museums, perhaps catching some chamber music somewhere would be wonderful.

Hell, I would love to spend time in the company of a gentleman who enjoys those activities here in Austin!
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  • Old-T
  • 07-08-2014, 03:20 PM
Oh my! I did a Rhineland day trip in the autumn two years ago on a beautiful boat stopping at every castle and vineyard along the way. Spent that night in a medieval Hofschloss, I mean with huge 18th century carved bed, tapestries, gothic vaulted ceilings and fireplace so large four people could have stood in it. Had a dinner of boar and pheasant and other items native to the estate. Was a magical trip.

Would love to return just for a few days to Prague with a lover. Someone who is as interested in cultural travel as myself. Architecture, dining, museums, perhaps catching some chamber music somewhere would be wonderful.

Hell, I would love to spend time in the company of a gentleman who enjoys those activities here in Austin! Originally Posted by Miss Valentina
Have never been to Prague--it is on my list--but thoroughly enjoyed a week in Madrid. Between the Prado, the Teatro Real, Cervantes, and the Temple department Debod it was a fantastic cultural immersion (and some excellent plaza dining experience)
Valentina: My first experience was on the Rhine for 8 days. Saw many of the same castles you probably saw, and museums, historical sites and vineyards that I thought I'd never see in my lifetime.

Never was much for cruises, but have since learned river cruises are special, just for the very same reasons you state. They are educational, very much a cultural experience and one can be more physically active than with ocean cruises from what I hear. Lots of walking and climbing steep things. I'm now an avid fan and plan to go on one at least once / year. I'm still no fan of the open ocean and large cruise ships, you'll still never see me on one of those.
Islands.. not picky just islands
I would love to go to Cabo, or Hawaii never been.. Europe would be nice as well
Lucky LaRue's Avatar
My dream vacation (staycation) LOL would be My ATF and I spending a full weekend in our hometown. Her showing me the things that thrill her about this lovely city and me doing the same. We would dine drink and dance until we collapse. Hmmm we have done that but it was a weeknight. Just a dream
Miss Valentina's Avatar
Zhivago-I'm with you 100%. I have no interest in Princess Cruise lining it around the islands with other overfed Americans eating mediocre buffets, dancing to some low rent boat band, squeezing my daquiri inflated ass into some cheesy sequined dress. Just for the privilege of my lover and I to share a table with Mr. and Mrs. Used Car Lot owner from Kansas City only to have earlier been dropped off at some tourist port to have overpriced clothing and jewelry shoved in my face by local hawkers. (Can you tell I'm inclined to never set foot on a cruise line?) Nah, drop me off in the Cinque Terra, I'll take my dinners in a simple black dress and shoes in some little cliffside taverna, thank you. They can keep their cruise ships and the pestilence that comes with them.

Should you ever find yourself that a way again, fly into Frankfurt, rent a car and hit Heidelberg then head straight down what's called the Romanticher Strasse which is a lovely winding road through the country side to many medieval and unbelievable preserved ancient towns. Head to Bavaria and Neuschwanstein castle, Munich and it's incredible museums, then take that rented Audi S6 and rip it over the Alps as fast as you dare go until you hit Italy. Camp on the shore of Lake Garda, find your dreams fulfilled and fly back out of Munich to the US. Thank me later.

Old-T, Prague is so perfect for the architectural and cultural traveler. You must, must, must endeavor to put it on your bucket list. Now, I didn't find the people charming, or the food particularly delicious but it will not matter because they will have to pull you screaming and crying from your vantage point of the castle as you stare stupefied at the loveliness of the rolling hills and town below. There's nothing like taking your morning coffee on the terrace of a fin de siecle hotel with the Wenceslaus bridge beckoning below.

Ah well, I should cease my reverie and get back to work so that I may get back to those places I so love.

Totally agree. The river cruises I've been on had a common thread. Only 180 or so guests and nearly every one of them was a business owner or had attained a level of accomplishment in life and were all either well educated or sophisticated enough to understand what they were seeing and could carry on a conversation on things that mattered.

FYI, I've a retired UTR provider friend who likes to visit Prague for the great sex clubs. She always invites me to go along, but real life and logistics....well, you know. That will just have to stay on the bucket list.
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Dream Vacation with ATF Provider; 10 month around the world trip, one month (give or take a few days) in each area. Caribbean Islands, Europe, Mediterranean, Russia, Middle East, South East Asia, China, Pacific Islands, Australia/New Zealand, South America. Even though I've been to a lot of these places before myself, I think it would be fun to have a smoking hot 20-30 something with me to educate, show off, and enjoy in all these places.