Actually, the "tax" was a Republican idea, and if Obama had not agreed, it wouldn't have passed.
How anyone can be "against" affordable health care is beyond me. Personally, I'm grateful. Regence rejected me, so I, personally, can't get insurance at any dollar amount. My two perfectly healthy kids I pay $500 a month for. They go in for well child checkups once a year. Does that seem fair to you?
Originally Posted by BSweet6969
Of course no one is against "affordable healthcare." The question is, how do we get it. The libs ultimately want a single payer (socialized) system and apparently believe that healthcare will be affordable under that system.
Conservatives believe in having affordable healthcare by keeping healthcare in the private sector and controlling costs with market forces.
An example of a surgical procedure that has become cheaper and cheaper every year is Lasic eye surgery. Initially the procedure cost thousands of dollars; now it costs hundreds of dollars and the quality has gotten much better. The reason for the affordability of Lasic is that it's not covered by insurance. This means that people shop around for the best price since they're paying out of their own pockets. The doctors compete for business by keeping the price low. This is an example of the marketplace controlling cost.