CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Something different, and completely fascinating. It only takes 2 minutes.


The Village Idiot chimes in, I am not looking for a debate, or even an argument.....

That Link...... is fucked up. (my opinion not yours, I am just sharing a random thought)

If you have that much time, I do now see why you like to argue.

Beat away, at your key board,... I really don't care.....

Happy Holidays.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar

I watch TV too, with out the need to post it on a hooker board, to make me feel better about myself.

Some of that I agree with, ( well most of it I agree with) but what is the point? other than to start another debate, that you have been researching, and have all the answers for, for a day or 2 then it goes back to stuff you are pulling out of your ass.

Again, why post that on a hooker board?

There is another forum out there for this kind of debate, right?

If not, I will enjoy reading the rest of this.

Again, this is coming from the "Village Idiot" in this particular forum, supplied to you, Via "The Internet".

Again, Happy Holidays!
I thought it was cool even though I known most of this from masturbating to Stephen Hawkings documentaries. Gosh that man is sexay!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
What is there in the video to start a debate about, Itching4Cooties? It's simply cool.

You are a little odd, to say the least. After all the posts I've started, to identify this one as being posted to start a debate is bizarre to the extreme.

And I'm interested. Since you think I post here to make me feel better about myself, for what noble purpose are you posting here? The redemption of humankind? Perhaps you think you will find a cure for cancer buried in these self-serving posts?

And of the 10 things in the video, which one do you think I hoped would spark the biggest argument?

You know, I think you're the one with too much time on his hands. Go back to watching TV. Then tell me about it, because I don't have one.

Jesus. What a weirdo.
You are correct.

I have just read way too much....

I was just telling you, my opinion.

I am not going to debate it, argue it, or anything to that nature.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Well, then, just answer my questions. I'd be interested in your "opinion". Please re-read my post, it was edited.
thanks I liked it....
  • 11-21-2012, 12:49 AM
it call fucking interfering in my fucking life ... you stupid fuck ... druging me causing short term memory lost .... fuck you think you can cover this shit up with fucking energy drink causing heart attack.... SCARE OF THE ROCK IN SKY ...... FUCK YOU.... I DON'T FORGET... NO FUCKING RESET
Sweet N Little's Avatar
That was cool COG , today I am smarter than I was yesterday !! Thanks

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
This thread brought out some of the strangest posts I've ever seen.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-21-2012, 08:06 AM
apparently expanding ones mind is offensive (to more than one idiot)

and they prolly wonder why they are a small part of the sugar cube..

markroxny's Avatar
The link is dead.

But I do want to take this opportunity to say that I personally enjoy watching these shows on a regular basis:

Steven Hawking's Universe

Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman

Wonders with Brian Cox

And I think I'm really falling for Skylar Cruz!

I watch TV too, with out the need to post it on a hooker board, to make me feel better about myself.

Some of that I agree with, ( well most of it I agree with) but what is the point? other than to start another debate, that you have been researching, and have all the answers for, for a day or 2 then it goes back to stuff you are pulling out of your ass.

Again, why post that on a hooker board?

There is another forum out there for this kind of debate, right? Originally Posted by lookn4boobies
Jeeezus. Lighten up, Francis.

Why do you get your panties in a twist about this link on a "hooker board"? How is this thread any more out of place than a thread about Obamacare or Mitt Romney or any of the other threads in the Sandbox.

Thanks for the post COG. I enjoyed it.