Democratic misfires: Free Healthcare

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
The democrats are touting a lot of neat things for us in order to buy our votes (and souls). Lets look at some of them.

Free healthcare (Medicare for all)
Free college tuition (forgiveness of student loans)
Reparations for slavery (and now gay couples)
Amnesty for illegals (and the dissolvement of ICE)
Gun control (lawful gun owner control)
Global warming (go ahead and insist we're talking about climate change)
A higher minimum wage
Impeach Trump (and Pence, and Kavanaugh, and so on)

Lets define our terms:

Right--a moral or legal entitlement to have or obtain something or to act in a certain way.
"she had every right to be angry" · "you're quite within your rights to ask for your money back" · "there is no right of appeal against the decision"
entitlement · prerogative · privilege · advantage · due · birthright · liberty · authority · authorization · power · license · permission · dispensation · leave · consent · warrant · charter · franchise · sanction · exemption · immunity · indemnity · carte blanche · droit

In other words, a right requires the actions of no one else in order for you to exercise it. Free speech does not require someone give you a place to speak but you can speak anyway. Ditto on the press and association. You have a right to bear arms...this right requires no one to provide you a weapon. However, this right is infringed upon by requiring governmental permission to exercise it. It becomes a privilege and can be denied.

Free Health care: According to the democrats, healthcare is now a "right" for not only every American but for anyone who can get inside the country. There is some truth to the argument that preventive medicine is cheaper than crisis care but that is human problem that can't be solved by government. Some people just think they are immortal. So what would the left have to do? They would have to mandate periodic exams (for your own good) to make it work. Healthcare requires the participation of health care professionals. That participation is finite. What happens when doctors, nurses, and technicians run out of hours in the week? Government will have to force people to become healthcare professionals or they will have to mandate slavery for the ones who are here. You think slavery is a harsh word? What do you call it when a doctor is REQUIRED to work 70 hours a week, every week for less pay. If the demand goes up, so do the hours required. What happens when you run out of facilities? Something has to be built and that takes money. For the good of the state, your union will have to take less money to construct this clinic. For the good of the state...scary words and already a best seller in places like the Soviet Union. If healthcare becomes a bonified right then I want the best every time. I don't care if it is a hang nail, I want a specialist.

All of that is apparent in England and Canada. Rationing would have to be imposed, choice would be taken away, and freedom...forget about that!