A guide for someone thinking of becoming a provider?

calidude's Avatar
Hi All,
I've had no luck searching the main forum and this Houston one for any sticky or threads that have helpful information for someone thinking of getting into this business as a provider (A friend of mine is considering it). Either I'm terrible at searching, or there is a perfectly good reason that one doesn't exist that I'm not smart enough to realize why...

Anyone have good links for general resources? Things like how to go about screening, photos, things to look for in an incall location, security tips/musts, etc. Or is this subject matter taboo on a public board?
TryWeakly's Avatar
After you have passed the Pimpin 101 class at the local bodega, you can have her take a looksee here:

HOW TO GET VERIFIED PROVIDER STATUS (and Make a showcase / run ads on the ICKY) --> https://m.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=1785187
VERIFIED PROVIDER PROCESS: ->> https://m.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=1514816

But it would seem that there are "delays" (going by the most recent posts in that first link)

Good luck.

Also, 2 reminders...

1) She needs to post Taint for Pyramider
2) Tell her to avoid CutePapi and WolfWhistle

But then again, since you've been here since 2011 you probably already knew that....right?
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
If you search on Amazon there are quite a few books on the subject.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
1.) Do what you can to Convince her not to!!! ...

I talked a 23 yr old white girl from entering the business. She was a friend who worked for her mom in a family owned restaurant... she told me out of the blue one day she thought about escorting...so I convinced her not to...I didn't want to see her go down the path...I am seeing though that a lot of these regular real world girls are getting big offers from rich white and Arab trust fund babies and it can be quite tempting...If someone offers you 5k just for a blow job or 50k a month on retainer then what are you gonna do? That's kinda hard but it is happening..there are some real beautiful women out here...Stunnas....I talk to some of my friends and these are real offers on the table...and then there are the pimps..Some of the smarter Pimps in Houston are rich as fuck....their lifestyles on IG is on full display...and these girls see other girls buying their Pimps Cartiers and Rolex's, and nice whips and they want part of it...but there are always the non-glamour side of things...

2.) If you can't convince her not to then some things to consider:

Additional information:

1. Escorts see clients (mainly men) at their most vulnerable.

2. Law enforcement treats murdered or raped sex workers as sub-human.

3. Feminists don’t have your backs and drown out your voices with their own.

4. She will be disenfranchised from mainstream society.

5. She will forever be defined by her time as a sex worker.

6. She will watch people do themselves in with drug addictions.

7. She will lead a double life and have to lie all the time.

8. There’s rampant racism.

9. People will feel entitled to her body outside of respectful parameters.

10. There’s constant cyber-bullying.

Source: https://thoughtcatalog.com/jolene-du...-about-my-job/
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
1.) Do what you can to Convince her not to!!! ...
Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
I wholeheartedly agree with this. While this industry has been very good to me both financially & emotionally, I know that is not the case for most that enter this business.

The girls/women that can flourish in this business & remain sober & self confident are far & few in between.

It's true, entering this business is normally a down fall in a womans life & not an up rise. It takes a special kind of soul to make it in this business & truly be a "happy hooker".

Plus, the whole illegal aspect cannot be overlooked. I'd never advise anyone I love or cared about to do something that could put them in jail.

I have many friends that I have known since Jr high & high school that have asked me to help them secure a few appointments so they could see if providing might be for them & I flat out refuse. I'm not "turning" anyone out.
calidude's Avatar
Thanks to all for taking the time to reply. I passed along the words of caution you all have provided as well as the links.
She's not likely to be a drug addict and does have some experiences to draw upon to make a more informed decision with your advice. Again, thank you all for replying.
Hairyhoustonguy's Avatar
Check Reddit, I’d be surprised if they didn’t have the info you’re looking for.
  • iquit
  • 01-17-2018, 01:31 AM
Well said SC. Ur life will never b the same one u get a taste of this lifestyle. Even after leaving, u will constantly have to lie about ur experiences. Not the best way for a lady to live. Plus, why does she wanna do it?

Having said that, who r we kidding. This is a lifestyle some women choose willingly to fix a cash flow problem for God knows whatever they need to spend on. Yeah, society has a kind of view on it and there are mental issues associated with sex with strangers for a living, but hey, more power to the women who sign up for it. If she doesn't realize it, I'd tell her to first start with working at strip club, or sugar daddy stuff...then she might sign up for it or reject it. Trying to advise her verbally will sound like anything she can read online. I recall a lawyer Indian lady in new York who got a divorce, lost a law license and her family disowned her when they realized that about 10 years before, she escorted to pay through school.

And while u r at it, PM me her contact, I won't charge her for my advisory services.