Emporer Obama makes another run at our rights

JD Barleycorn's Avatar

It almost seems benign but it is the principal of circumventing the Congress that is the problem. The people through Congress have no voice and can offer no opinion on a subject that is directly connected to a Civil Right.

These two executives orders; one that will "close a little-known loophole that lets felons and others circumvent background checks by registering guns to corporations" and the other will affect the importation of foreign weapons (do you know how they define foreign weapons?). The first is, as the article says, little known and done by organizations. You know, security companies and the like. How often does a security company go on drive bys?
The second one is hidden by meaning. A M-1 Garand, made by an American company in 1947, is now considered a foreign weapon since it has spent the last 50 years outside the US. People have already gone to prison for "smuggling" Garands, Carbines, and 03 Springfields into the US. These people were not drug dealers or gang bangers. They were collectors, gun shop owners who missed a couple of pieces of paperwork, and small museum owners.

Anyway, owning a gun is a Civil Right and Obama is infringing on that right with his new executive orders. All hail the KING and his evil flying monkeys!

If Obama violates the Constitution and the War Powers Act by attacking Syria without Congressional authorization, he will almost certainly be impeached by the House. Such an attack would be blatantly against the law. Whether or not he would be convicted and removed is another matter, but the case would be strong, particularly when stacked on top of numerous other executive felonies such as non-recess appointments and failure to enforce statutes. The Congressional Black Caucus and the other trade unionist/socialist progressives would likely exercise their own version of jury nullification to fly in the face of facts and let him off. If this rookie really wanted to scare Syria he would be in front of Congress getting this authorization. Assad would back down without a shot being fired or American lives being lost to atone for Obama's reckless comments. Such a sad leader for a great nation.
JD doesn't give a shit if felons have guns as long as he is able to have one. Runner up for dipshit of the year.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yep, behind Whirlyturd.
^^^ You two are looking STUPID! ^^^
^^^ You two are looking STUPID! ^^^ Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Yssup Rider's Avatar
According to who? YOU?

LovingKayla's Avatar
JD doesn't give a shit if felons have guns as long as he is able to have one. Runner up for dipshit of the year. Originally Posted by i'va biggen

I'm totally on board with this. Probably because its the best course of action. Felons will always get guns pencil dick. Fuck them. The law can't protect me from them EVER. So yes. They can keep theirs and ill keep mine.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
go get 'em Ma Barker ... Or is that Ma Howler?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Care to show me (and us) where felons get together to form an organization to buy guns? Or that they use World War II and World War I weapons? Just shut up and try not to sound so damn stupid.
JCM800's Avatar
Care to show me (and us) where felons get together to form an organization to buy guns? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
SAMCRO primarily makes their money from inter-state arms trafficking.
I'm totally on board with this. Probably because its the best course of action. Felons will always get guns pencil dick. Fuck them. The law can't protect me from them EVER. So yes. They can keep theirs and ill keep mine. Originally Posted by LovingKayla

Who gives a crap what you think except you.? Stupid Kayla the ugly.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
JCM, did you read the article? I don't think you did. This law concerns legal, legitimate organizations and not your biker buddies. They are already criminals. Geez, think before you post.
Exhibit A:

Felons will always get guns Originally Posted by LovingKayla
Exhibit B:

"It's time for Congress to stop dragging its feet and pass common-sense reforms that keep criminals and the dangerously mentally ill from illegally buying guns"

The law can't protect me from them EVER. So yes. They can keep theirs and ill keep mine. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
JCM800's Avatar
JCM, did you read the article? I don't think you did. This law concerns legal, legitimate organizations and not your biker buddies. They are already criminals. Geez, think before you post. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
are you with the Mayans?