David Frost is dead...

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You know, the British journalist that was portrayed in a movie by Michael Sheen. Frost was also edited into Forrest Gump. Other than being portrayed in movies Frost held sway for decades with the ability to get the movers and shakers in his interview chair. Some low information American may even remember that he had a TV show on back in the early 70s.

Obama killed him.
got Nixon to confess.
JCM800's Avatar
Frost/Nixon was a good movie.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
TWTWTW (That Was The Week That Was) was the name of that show - and it was in the 60s, Mr. What Information I Have Is Completely Useless, asswhole. Why the fu*k don't you just quit trying to be so damn slick, slick? It's waaaaay above your pay grade, Mopboy - back to the gym floor with you.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
David Frost was a MAJOR player n the world stage for decades. Pity you fucking Neanderthals Dont know it. Spent his last years in the employ of Al Jazeera
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Hey Randall stupid shit, I am talking about the eponymous named David Frost Show from 1969 to 1972. How old are you? Are you the crypt keeper?

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Fucking Neanderthal.

Hope you've seen the sun this week, asshole.

Whats your take on Frosts legacy? You ignorant fucking shitheel!
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Hey Randall stupid shit, I am talking about the eponymous named David Frost Show from 1969 to 1972. How old are you? Are you the crypt keeper?

Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Hey, Mopboy, is the above a pic of your "go to" piece of ass? Must be, since it was so handy. Fits the bill, too, since it can't talk back (though it would probably be more cogent than it's "daddy").

Sorry I took your weak ass to the mat on TWTWTW but, like all of your other "research" methods, the TV show you mentioned didn't specifically mention the NAME of the TV show. More of your typical, half-fast weak shit.

Are you finished with the gym floor yet? If so, proceed to the hallway to the Men's room in the Student Union (or is it to the principal's office?").
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You made a false assumption and you died on your own sword. RIP