query for the providers of this city...

Do any of you lovely ladies have preferences when it comes to age? is there an age you would consider too young or too old?
Hi. Which age bracket are you? Younger side or older side?
My preference would be older gentlemen.

I do often see that most providers here would prefer an older gentleman for company, and when i have participated in the hobby, my age has been commented on as unusual. not that I mind, but I'm really just curious to see which providers in the area wouldn't mind younger guys
NolaStarlett's Avatar
I like em young... Over 18 of course...
I prefer a guy who is at least middle age and older. But every now and then I'll see someone young as a client and I really enjoy them. They are usually between 24 and 27 but that is a rare occasion for me and it has to be a special circumstance, like their job and their maturity rate Etc
Audreyg's Avatar
I prefer to meet with men my age or older. I will see men who are younger than me, but I prefer not to because it makes me feel old and I'm vain.