In 1994 when the Huttoos in Rawanda where slaughtering the Tootsees Clinton broke several laws in order to declare that no genicide was going on. He even ordered the Pentagon to send back several transports which were already in route to assist humanitarian efforts, all because he was burned by what happened in Somalia and was too chicken to do even those things that law required under the circumstances.
I guess it was guilt, but ever since he's been on the "Africanist" bandwagon, and chief among his weird perceptions about Africa is his infatuation with terrorist Nelson Mandela, who turned 94 years old yesterday.
Sweet old terrorist Mandela was treated to a visit to his home by Clinton, who has recently declared many times that Mandela is "the most remarkable and outstanding person of the twentieth century...."
Of course since Mandela's African National Congress took over in 1994 South Africa has become a nightmarish tyranny. NONE of the promises they made about such basic things as housing, healthcare and education have been fullfilled. In fact all they've done is destroy the interity of the courts, fix all the elections, suppress the press, and line their own pockets with cash socked away in Swiss bank accounts.
Yet all of this means nothing to Clinton.
I doubt he mentioned any of these depravations to terrorist Mandela during their cozy visit.