Buyer Beware

While I hate to place this out there because she seemed to have come around with the respect for the Hobby, but Layla Love has reverted back past reputation. She needed help for a room today so I stopped my work day and took a early lunch to go visit with her. I arrived as my two previous visits , but this time she asked for the donation to go pay for her room before check out time. I obliged and guess what....she stood me up. Seemed she had turned for the better, but I was wrong. Wanted to put this out there before she did it to someone else.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
A link to the lady you are talking about would help

She has a disabled account. Do a search for her in Dallas.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 04-13-2015, 05:04 PM
This should be moved to alerts
My bad. Will do. Just looking out for my fellow Hobbyist.
2 Questions- thanks in advance to anyone reading and replying

Kind of along these same topic lines and I'd be a "newbie" (FYI) - can some fellow hobbyists enlighten me on when a provider sets-up an appointment for 3 days only to never confirm/follow-up the very last minute. This happened to me twice in the past 2 weeks. Is this common practice by independent providers or just badass "newbie" luck or something else?

Secondly, and even way worse then above, what is your theory (s) as long-time hobbyists when you meet a smoking hot provider- have what you believe to be a superb time on 3 separate occasions- only to be simply ignored (she read my PM's, emails, text) when trying to set-up subsequent appointments?

Do they (providers) shy away from regular/reoccurring clients? Is my desire of trying to secure 3 above average to hot looking providers versus 33 hit and miss (looks wise) providers even a goal that's worth pursing?

Sorry about all the questions fellas, but I need to be educated- especially with paragraph #2
bigtonydallas's Avatar
First of all josua1, you need to start your own thread next time. Second, most of the women on here are either too busy, are lazy, don't give a sh_t, or simply stupid. Some have regular jobs that get in the way. Some have family commitments that get in the way. They are not just sitting next to their phone waiting for your call. Maybe they did not like your first few sessions. THEY ARE STILL WOMEN! If they are super hot, they can usually pick the better clients they want to see. Either your ass stunk, your junk is too small or too big, your only did the special rated sessions or any other reason other women decide who gets to home plate. Paying does not get you cart blanche to the P.
ahab11's Avatar
I had a nice MILF provider who worlds South FW set me up with a hottie living in a trailer park in Rendon.

Awesome lady who after 4 sessions ignored my calls and eventually changed her number.

Went back to MILF provider and asked her what was up with Rendon hottie and she said she got a Sugar Daddy and that it happens to allot of girls who drift in and out of BP.
That makes sense. I will be more careful going forward.
Bit T Dallas- thanks for the education....including starting my own topic thread- copy that sir!

Your insight makes total sense - although my junk is the correct size (just saying) and I never exceeded my allotted sess time etc..etc..paying does not equal = "P" That all being said........still disappointing. It's not everyday you meet a fucking goddess and then fuck the goddess....only to be "let go"....thought that only happens in non-remunerated relationships..........guess my rookie status messed with my head (both of them). Thanks again