It Really is True! If You Piss Certain Male Members off Here, Including Local Mods, They Will Try to Get Rid of You!!!!!!

Apparently, I have a red dot on the back of my head for making some of the male members angry, including one local moderator.

This is all just gossip for now. Don't say I didn't warn ya'll! I wouldn't be surprised if this thread disappears quickly too.
Mike Vronsky's Avatar
I have a screenshot - with that ass too. LOL.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 11-14-2015, 09:03 AM
Nice ass...wonder why I haven't tapped that yet?

Oh and its an absolute YES to your times even through manufactured and made up reasons.

But whatever...I say Fuck 'em.
I will be banned soon, I am sure.

Is it really anyone's business why someone has to change handles? Let's see. Many girls do it all the time, but when I do it, it's a really big deal for some reason.

Reasons for handle changes include: a custody battle, a stalker, being outted to my ex by a female member here, a rape that occured & trying to stay low key to protect myself and the community while the case was open, really trying to quit the hobby at the time. I'm sure there's more.

I should not have to explain myself. These all seem like valid reasons for handle changes to me.

A big fuck off to the corruption around here!!!!!

Ya'll just don't like me because I say things other people don't have the balls to say!
Mike Vronsky's Avatar
Nope. And when you do change handles your suppose to be protected. It's a small group who don't like what we have to say.
Fuck them... How many guys on here have 2-3 handles, get kicked off and make new accounts and all. It's your business, clearly people should know who you are as I just glanced at your pics and I knew instantly do it's no big secret Lol.
All that matters is your safety, it doesn't look like your trying to hid anything using the same pics.
I've been around a while. I know and see many things. I'm pretty sure no one would want me to talk about some of the things I know and see/seen. Because I have nothing to lose, but a handle!! Lol. And everyone knows ya can just get a bandle & keep talking!!!

Lastly, to all you puto's that make assumptions about me or get butt hurt that I won't see you, because your an ass hole, then go talk smack about me..... Lmfao. I. Don't. Care.
Fuck them... How many guys on here have 2-3 handles, get kicked off and make new accounts and all. It's your business, clearly people should know who you are as I just glanced at your pics and I knew instantly do it's no big secret Lol.
All that matters is your safety, it doesn't look like your trying to hid anything using the same pics. Originally Posted by shayla84
For a time I was, but I HAVE my reasons. Personal reasons.

Thanks Shayla!
gfejunkie's Avatar
A big fuck off to the corruption around here!!!!! Originally Posted by VenusEntertainment
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 11-14-2015, 10:16 AM
[QUOTE=VenusEntertainment;10574 44340.A big fuck off to the corruption around here!!!!!

And the truly regrettable part of it is that this place could be so much fun. With interesting banter, fun play & good discussions. But that wont be allowed....

And...there are only 5 people enabling & pushing the corruption...a very small percentile of the board.

But hey, he who controls the rules will always do what they want.
dodger's Avatar
doctor to man: "well, then ... stop doing that ...."

you know i'm a fan, right? so ... we all know you are correct regarding ladies changing handles. sometimes up front about it ... linking to reviews which were written under the previous handle. other times, as you mention .. can be a stalker ... or the SO of a client ... pretty much still a stalker. then the change can be accompanied by going utr or semi-utr ... at least until the danger passes. that's one of the reasons mods have been known to step in and edit posts which link a provider's current handle with a previous handle.

but ... here is the thing ... and again .. i'm just a member/observer ... usually when a lady changes handles .. in my experience .. she does explain what's going to some mod or another. because changing handles and the reason its necessary can be the board's business ... concern.

fact is .. for all the bs and drama .. we count on the board to maintain a modicum of integrity. if the board fails there ... it really weakens the usefulness significantly.

as gratifying as it may be to play martyr .. sometimes you need to play the game and play it straight. no doubt some mods take advantage .. and sometimes make asshole moves. but some play it legit ... if you don't know any ... please contact me and i'll arrange some introductions.

fwiw ... i think you are a stellar provider .. and i want you on this board. if you go dark ... please leave some bread crumbs for me..

remember the story about the willow and the oak ... be the willow, grasshopper. i still love you in the most appropriate hobby way
Whispers's Avatar
I will be banned soon, I am sure. Originally Posted by VenusEntertainment
You come and go like the wind.

And you tend to out yourself rather regularly either by stating it here or as you have done recently using your old pics that have been viewed under what? 3, 4 different handles?

So what MOD has it out for you?

We've known each other a lot of years and you know I love taking on/out a corrupt MOD that unreasonably targets members. let me have the info and I'll bring it to light and we can show him the door... been doing it for a lot of yeas...... GFEJunkie for example was one of the most corrupt of all time and has been bitter since the day he got tossed to the curb....

Personally I think you probably read something somewhere you shouldn't be reading and misinterpreted it.

if you get banned it might coincide with another handle.

How well do you know "Li"? More than a few are convinced "Li" is you up to old tricks.
gfejunkie's Avatar
we count on the board to maintain a modicum of integrity. Originally Posted by dodger
Yeah, well... Good luck with that shit.
Whispers's Avatar
I've been around a while. I know and see many things. I'm pretty sure no one would want me to talk about some of the things I know and see/seen. Because I have nothing to lose, but a handle!! Lol. And everyone knows ya can just get a bandle & keep talking!!!

Lastly, to all you puto's that make assumptions about me or get butt hurt that I won't see you, because your an ass hole, then go talk smack about me..... Lmfao. I. Don't. Care. Originally Posted by VenusEntertainment

You can certainly create new handles and keep talking but if all your history is tied to you can you keep working?

You can only cry to the staff so many times about being stalked or having personal issues and recreate yourself before it eventually catches up to you.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 11-14-2015, 10:34 AM

fact is .. for all the bs and drama .. we count on the board to maintain a modicum of integrity. if the board fails there ... it really weakens the usefulness significantly.
Originally Posted by dodger
Dodger, how would you rate the current board integrity on a scale of 1-10?