Example of "Corporate Greed"

HoustonMilfDebbie's Avatar
http://dealbook.nytimes.com/2009/03/...ype=blogs&_r=0 Originally Posted by HoustonMilfDebbie
That's it?

A title and a link? Could you possibly be any lazier?

The article is five and a half years old. Why are you posting it now? What is your point?

And that isn't even an example of corporate greed. That is an example of political corruption.

AIG should never have been given a bailout. They weren't even a bank. Politicians got their palms greased.
HoustonMilfDebbie's Avatar
That's it?

A title and a link? Could you possibly be any lazier?

The article is five and a half years old. Why are you posting it now? What is your point?

And that isn't even an example of corporate greed. That is an example of political corruption.

AIG should never have been given a bailout. They weren't even a bank. Politicians got their palms greased. Originally Posted by ExNYer
I am posting this because it's important.
I am posting this because it's important. Originally Posted by HoustonMilfDebbie
And everyone has known about it for at least half a decade.

Why do so many of you ignoramuses flood this forum with worthless threads? More often than not, they contain nothing more than a link or copy & paste of an article of marginal value (or a video), and no accompanying commentary.

You, Whirlaway, JD Barleycorn, SEE3772, and Marshall (LowRider69) would do everyone in this forum a great favor if you'd consider whether there's another thread that's still on the first page and in a similar vein before starting a new, redundant one. Then you can post your stuff there, and other threads that might possibly be of interest to someone could have a chance to remain on the front page for at least a couple of days, instead of getting buried by all the crap.

Flooding the forum with redundant threads is simply a nuisance.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
That's it?

A title and a link? Could you possibly be any lazier?

The article is five and a half years old. Why are you posting it now? What is your point?

And that isn't even an example of corporate greed. That is an example of political corruption.

AIG should never have been given a bailout. They weren't even a bank. Politicians got their palms greased. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Of course, Hank Greenberg is suing the government, saying he got a bad deal!
What chutzpah!!

He seems to have forgotten he would have lost his billions if the fucking government hadn't intervened.
http://dealbook.nytimes.com/2009/03/...ype=blogs&_r=0 Originally Posted by HoustonMilfDebbie
I too am still in shock over how much of the bailout was used to pay bonuses
That's it?

A title and a link? Could you possibly be any lazier?

The article is five and a half years old. Why are you posting it now? What is your point?

And that isn't even an example of corporate greed. That is an example of political corruption.

AIG should never have been given a bailout. They weren't even a bank. Politicians got their palms greased. Originally Posted by ExNYer
I would say she summed it up with the title and link. Her opinion was simple and obvious to me.
And everyone has known about it for at least half a decade.

Why do so many of you ignoramuses flood this forum with worthless threads? More often than not, they contain nothing more than a link or copy & paste of an article of marginal value (or a video), and no accompanying commentary.

You, Whirlaway, JD Barleycorn, SEE3772, and Marshall (LowRider69) would do everyone in this forum a great favor if you'd consider whether there's another thread that's still on the first page and in a similar vein before starting a new, redundant one. Then you can post your stuff there, and other threads that might possibly be of interest to someone could have a chance to remain on the front page for at least a couple of days, instead of getting buried by all the crap.

Flooding the forum with redundant threads is simply a nuisance. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
Lumping her in with the list of names you gave is wrong on many levels. She has just as much right to make a simple statement and post a link as anyone does. She made a comment and gave a link what else is required. All the political rants and name calling mixed in with a few lies does not benefit anyone.
Lumping her in with the list of names you gave is wrong on many levels. She has just as much right to make a simple statement and post a link as anyone does. She made a comment and gave a link what else is required. All the political rants and name calling mixed in with a few lies does not benefit anyone. Originally Posted by slingblade
Seriously? You must have not been paying any attention if you don't know that she and all the others I mentioned have a habit of starting thread after thread after thread on the same damned topic.

Sure, she has a "right" to simply post a link to an old story that everyone already knows about, since the mods (unfortunately) do not prohibit hogging the forum with redundant threads. But we also have the right to point out what a nuisance all this fucking spam is.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
No one forced you to read this thread, Captain MoonBat.
No one forced you to read this thread, Captain MoonBat. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
And no one forced you to falsely claim to have taught university-level economics, either, did they?

BTW, you ignored the question I posed to you yesterday in this thread:


Of course, I can certainly understand why you were eager to let that thread drop off the front page, as you were undoubtedly concerned that people might actually read the long FairTax thread you suggested that I link. I'm sure that on second thought, you realized that you had already embarrassed yourself enough for one day. You're quite a fountain of knowledge, ex-professor!
LowRider69's Avatar
Corporations have a fiduciary responsibility to their shareholders to maximize profit....if suing a corrupt and incompetent government maximizes profit, then so be it......it is the fault of government for being corrupt and incompetent......stop crying about the corporations, cry about the government....government is the one that has a fiduciary responsibility to the citizens, corporations do not......

Anybody can buy stock in these publicly traded corporations and enjoy the efforts of these corporate leaders......
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
And no one forced you to falsely claim to have taught university-level economics, either, did they?

BTW, you ignored the question I posed to you yesterday in this thread:


Of course, I can certainly understand why you were eager to let that thread drop off the front page, as you were undoubtedly concerned that people might actually read the long FairTax thread you suggested that I link. I'm sure that on second thought, you realized that you had already embarrassed yourself enough for one day. You're quite a fountain of knowledge, ex-professor! Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
Deflect and avoid. And you don't know who WPF is? Figure it out. Oh, and I bumped the FairTax thread. I want people to read for themselves how you "handed me my ass."

You may continue your drooling vitriol over there, so this thread can stay on topic.
LowRider69's Avatar
Deflect and avoid. And you don't know who WPF is? Figure it out. Oh, and I bumped the FairTax thread. I want people to read for themselves how you "handed me my ass."

You may continue your drooling vitriol over there, so this thread can stay on topic. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
It's WDF......Wutta Dumb Fuck!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It's WDF......Wutta Dumb Fuck! Originally Posted by LowRider69
Yes. That too.
LowRider69's Avatar
Yes. That too. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I'm waiting to see the WDF/ISIS beheading video......maybe he'll get caught recruiting illegal workers in the ME when illegal Mexican labor gets too expensive.....
Seriously? You must have not been paying any attention if you don't know that she and all the others I mentioned have a habit of starting thread after thread after thread on the same damned topic.

Sure, she has a "right" to simply post a link to an old story that everyone already knows about, since the mods (unfortunately) do not prohibit hogging the forum with redundant threads. But we also have the right to point out what a nuisance all this fucking spam is. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
Her posting things that you disagree with is not the same as posting the same thing over and over. I could say the same about a few folks on here and be more accurate than you would be. Most of the posting on this forum dwells on on person and I don't need to mention his name. You have the ability to block her posting so I suggest you do it if you think she has no value here. I have read a few of her threads because of your statement and so far she has been honest and civil unless provoked. If she posted a dozen times about something you agree with you would not say a word.