Remember the day when the US Cavalry road to the rescue?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar

Our allies in Kobani are about to get overrun by ISIS. Thousands will die, many will be executed in a barbaric manner, men, women, and children. What is Obama doing to prevent it? Next to nothing.

Why aren't these tanks burning?

Obama is the great betrayer and I don't know if you follow Dante, but betrayers were relegated to the ninth circle of hell. That is the worst of the sins.
You should be worrying about our troops in Baghdad about to be run over ass wipe. the cavalry comes to the rescue only in movies.

Our allies in Kobani are about to get overrun by ISIS. Thousands will die, many will be executed in a barbaric manner, men, women, and children. What is Obama doing to prevent it? Next to nothing.

Why aren't these tanks burning?

Obama is the great betrayer and I don't know if you follow Dante, but betrayers were relegated to the ninth circle of hell. That is the worst of the sins. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
What should he do? Be specific.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You want me to be specific? I've been pretty specific and where were you?

Obama should immediately ask for a full declaration of war against the finish. I want all members of Congress on record on where they stand for the coming years.

Next thing is to start 24/7 airstrikes against ALL targets of opportunity and triple the number already in progress. That includes tanks, rocket launchers, armored cars, Humvees, trucks, sedans, tents, camels....anything that transports or hides a member of ISIS

I would move gunships (fixed and rotary winged) into the theater as fast as possible. Bush did it in 72 hours in 1990.

I would put boots on the ground, lots of boots because I haven't painted myself into a corner with my stupid mouth. I want 10,000 soldiers in Baghdad to defend it. That includes armor.

I would rush the 101st Airborne to Koboni. Bush did that in 36 hours in 1990.

I would remind Turkey of their treaty obligations and our money that they love so much. They have 12 hours to move up and defend Koboni or no more money or weapons.

I would publicly announce that Assad is off of the US's radar (the insurgents can deal with that later) until ISIS is dealt with.

I would surge 55,000 more American and NATO troops into Iraq by air and sea.

I would bring in a second carrier group to the Persian Gulf to support operations against ISIS. I would also send in a MARG (Marine Amphibious Readiness Group) as a spearhead.

I will hold what we have and I will take the fight to ISIS anywhere in the world. Since I believe, unlike Timmie, that ISIS will cross into our southern border, that border will be guarded from California to Texas by National Guardsmen....TODAY! Not tomorrow. If necessary I will empower local law enforcement to deputize civilians to assist.

I also want my CIA, my NSA, backed up by SEALs and HRT to find and rescue every western hostage being held.

I will revoke the citizenship of every cocksucker who leaves their home in the US to join with ISIS. They are enemies of the state and will recieve that treatment when found. No more Mirando bullshit. Wars should be fought as wars.

And.....If I can get enough of those assholes in one place I will authorize a MOAB to be dropped out their asses.

Specific enough?
Yssup Rider's Avatar

Our allies in Kobani are about to get overrun by ISIS. Thousands will die, many will be executed in a barbaric manner, men, women, and children. What is Obama doing to prevent it? Next to nothing.

Why aren't these tanks burning?

Obama is the great betrayer and I don't know if you follow Dante, but betrayers were relegated to the ninth circle of hell. That is the worst of the sins. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Is alcohol considered an illicit drug?

Can we mention that as among the possible reasons for JDIdiot's raving?
Doc Savage's Avatar
And the first person that sets possible ROE's gets busted to private and handed a weapon.
You should be worrying about our troops in Baghdad about to be run over ass wipe. the cavalry comes to the rescue only in movies. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
You are right, the Calvary was always romanticized to the point of absurdity.

But you also have to wonder. With All of our air capabilities, why is ANY piece of machinery in the hand of ISIL not a burning hulk?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Well, there sure has been a lot of whining around here about the use of drones.

Mixed signals.
Remember the day when the US Cavalry road to the rescue? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Uhhh Professor JDIdiot, you probably should have said "the US Cavalry rode to the rescue" as opposed to "the US Cavalry road to the rescue?"

Or were you even aware that there is a significant difference?

Further verification that you're an Idiot!
SSSSH don't correct the professor he is infallible. LOL
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I guess you have nothing useable to add, your cup is empty, your brains have been fed to zombies, and your vagina smells like vinegar...why is that?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I guess you have nothing useable to add, your cup is empty, your brains have been fed to zombies, and your vagina smells like vinegar...why is that? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Further proof that JDIdiot has been "road" hard and put up wet.
Further proof that JDIdiot has been "road" hard and put up wet. Originally Posted by bigtex
You beat me to it.

You want me to be specific? I've been pretty specific and where were you?

Obama should immediately ask for a full declaration of war against the finish. I want all members of Congress on record on where they stand for the coming years.

Next thing is to start 24/7 airstrikes against ALL targets of opportunity and triple the number already in progress. That includes tanks, rocket launchers, armored cars, Humvees, trucks, sedans, tents, camels....anything that transports or hides a member of ISIS

I would move gunships (fixed and rotary winged) into the theater as fast as possible. Bush did it in 72 hours in 1990.

I would put boots on the ground, lots of boots because I haven't painted myself into a corner with my stupid mouth. I want 10,000 soldiers in Baghdad to defend it. That includes armor.

I would rush the 101st Airborne to Koboni. Bush did that in 36 hours in 1990.

I would remind Turkey of their treaty obligations and our money that they love so much. They have 12 hours to move up and defend Koboni or no more money or weapons.

I would publicly announce that Assad is off of the US's radar (the insurgents can deal with that later) until ISIS is dealt with.

I would surge 55,000 more American and NATO troops into Iraq by air and sea.

I would bring in a second carrier group to the Persian Gulf to support operations against ISIS. I would also send in a MARG (Marine Amphibious Readiness Group) as a spearhead.

I will hold what we have and I will take the fight to ISIS anywhere in the world. Since I believe, unlike Timmie, that ISIS will cross into our southern border, that border will be guarded from California to Texas by National Guardsmen....TODAY! Not tomorrow. If necessary I will empower local law enforcement to deputize civilians to assist.

I also want my CIA, my NSA, backed up by SEALs and HRT to find and rescue every western hostage being held.

I will revoke the citizenship of every cocksucker who leaves their home in the US to join with ISIS. They are enemies of the state and will recieve that treatment when found. No more Mirando bullshit. Wars should be fought as wars.

And.....If I can get enough of those assholes in one place I will authorize a MOAB to be dropped out their asses.

Specific enough? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Big talk for a guy who doesn't know the difference between "rode" and "road".
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I did forget one thing, I would send in advisors to help the PPK fight more effectively and heavy weapons so they can kill ISIS turds.