Who should be the next President?

Seriously. Who?

You think I want to vote for Hillary Clinton? Shit. Biden? Fucking shit.

You think any Republican candidate provides even a remotely, barely, tiny possible alternative? Mother Fucking Shit.

I can never understand it. A country like ours with so many outstanding fucking people. Why are the people who are supposed to lead us to where we want to be such seemingly unqualified idiots?
Its your thread, give us a name.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Its your thread, give us a name. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
It's my thread and I asked you for one.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Timmy....you'll be apologizing for Hillary in no time.

People like you shouldn't even be allowed to vote.
You won't find a Democrat or Republican worthy of the presidency. If there is a candidate out there that has divorced himself from the two party system and can get enough support to be put on the ballot and allowed to participate in debates that's the person that would have the country's best interest in mind. As it stands Democrats and Republicans have abandoned this country, and we will just see more of the same.

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Seriously. Who?

You think I want to vote for Hillary Clinton? Shit. Biden? Fucking shit.

You think any Republican candidate provides even a remotely, barely, tiny possible alternative? Mother Fucking Shit.

I can never understand it. A country like ours with so many outstanding fucking people. Why are the people who are supposed to lead us to where we want to be such seemingly unqualified idiots? Originally Posted by timpage
The Honorable Justice Clarence Thomas.
Why don't we wait until the outcome of the 2014 elections? I find it curious that most Dems (like Timmytard and WTF) want to jump ahead to the 2016 "national" election.
guess they don't have a clue tim.
I can never understand it. A country like ours with so many outstanding fucking people. Why are the people who are supposed to lead us to where we want to be such seemingly unqualified idiots? Originally Posted by timpage
Then again, why would any serious, competent, and intelligent person with a sense of dignity even consider running?

That's a serious question.

We put candidates through such unbelievable bullshit litmus tests and abuse them so badly when they fail, why would anyone with a modicum of self respect put up with it?

The primaries are awful and the general election is worse.

In 2012, Mitch Daniels would probably have been the best GOP candidate. But his wife told him in no uncertain terms that he could not run. About 20 years earlier, she had left him and their 4 daughters and married an old boyfriend. In a short period of time, she came back and remarried Mitch.


But can you imagine the dirt that would have been slung during the campaign. Every detail of their private lives would have been dragged through the mud. He/she wouldn't put up with it, so a good candidate was lost. And who can blame them?

So, for the most part, we are left with power seeking narcissists who don't care about the indignities, so long as they can get that feather in their cap.

So, out of a bunch of bad GOP candidates, I think Rand Paul and Chris Christie are emerging.

The bridge closing "scandal" has turned out to be nothing and Christie looks stronger as a result. And the huge weight loss is killing off a slow of Jon Stewart and Bill Maher monologues. At this point, if they tried to make a bunch of fat jokes about a man who no longer is, they will look venal and the Democratic candidates they support will, too.

Rand Paul is making big in-roads with young people, especially his desires to limit our foreign involvements with raghead land and ending the drug war. If he can suppress his Ayn Rand fanboy musings, he will be a viable candidate.

I will vote for either of those guys over Hillary. Biden will never get the nomination, so I am not worried about that.

However, don't underestimate the desire of some to see a woman - ANY woman - get a turn as President. There are a whole lot in the Democratic base who were pissed at Obama because they thought it was Hillary's "turn" and he usurped her.

Those same trolls will reemerge and vote for her no matter how bad she is and/or how good the GOP candidate is.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You know me. Since Ron Paul is too old, I will most likely support Gary Johnson if he runs. I don't trust Rand. But I'm open to see who else might run. Some prognosticators are saying the two main candidates will be Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush. Please God, NO!
You know me. Since Ron Paul is too old, I will most likely support Gary Johnson if he runs. I don't trust Rand. But I'm open to see who else might run. Some prognosticators are saying the two main candidates will be Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush. Please God, NO! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Yep that's the prognosis. Either way it's still a slow agonizing death of the country. I don't know how we'll do it but we need to somehow find a independent, Libertarian that can muster up enough support from both Dem and Rep voter to oust these two misfits. The only thing we can look foreword to is further destruction of this country with a Dem or Rep president again.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Seriously. Who?

You think I want to vote for Hillary Clinton? Shit. Biden? Fucking shit.

You think any Republican candidate provides even a remotely, barely, tiny possible alternative? Mother Fucking Shit.

I can never understand it. A country like ours with so many outstanding fucking people. Why are the people who are supposed to lead us to where we want to be such seemingly unqualified idiots? Originally Posted by timpage

The first problem is that every republican, any republican your party dismisses as either an idiot, racist, or woman hater. Without exception.

Dan Quayle was so smart that he wrote the SALT treaty because he was an expert on missiles, payloads, and russians. You all remember him because a teacher spelled potato an old fashioned way.
Condaleeza Rice speaks six langauges, knows the russians very well, plays concert piano but you reduced to a possibly bisexual sex slave for George Bush.
George HW Bush was the director of the CIA, an ambassador to China, a Congressman, and a decorated pilot but to the democratic party he was a wimp and out of touch.

Thats part of your problem Timmie. I could go into how bad some of your candidates have been but why belabor the point.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The first problem is that every republican, any republican your party dismisses as either an idiot, racist, or woman hater. Without exception.

Dan Quayle was so smart that he wrote the SALT treaty because he was an expert on missiles, payloads, and russians. You all remember him because a teacher spelled potato an old fashioned way.
Condaleeza Rice speaks six langauges, knows the russians very well, plays concert piano but you reduced to a possibly bisexual sex slave for George Bush.
George HW Bush was the director of the CIA, an ambassador to China, a Congressman, and a decorated pilot but to the democratic party he was a wimp and out of touch.

Thats part of your problem Timmie. I could go into how bad some of your candidates have been but why belabor the point. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I don't know if I've ever heard a more hypercritical, steaming heap of road clusters in my life.

Your idiots are good, but our idiots are bad?

I visited the GHWBush museum in College station ... Dan Quayle has a smaller space on the wall than the collection of silver feet the elder Bush stuck in his mouth.

You're an Idiot!
You know me. Since Ron Paul is too old, I will most likely support Gary Johnson if he runs. I don't trust Rand. But I'm open to see who else might run. Some prognosticators are saying the two main candidates will be Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush. Please God, NO! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
If Hillary and Jeb are the ones Ebola doesn't look so bad.