What's the difference between a prostitute and a chicken?

Smpslt7's Avatar
A chicken says cock a doodle doo.

A prostitute says any cock'lle do.
What do you call a hookers fart?
A prosti-Toot
knotty man's Avatar
What's the difference between a TS and a refrigerator.
A refrigerator doesn't fart when you pull your meat out.
Stewie griffen's Avatar
I was gonna say that a prostitute only walks one one side of the street
Smpslt7's Avatar
And nobody asks why.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Ackshully, chikins say "cluck". It's tha roosters thet say "cocky-doodly-doo."
What's the difference between a prostitute and a chicken? Originally Posted by Smpslt7
After browsing the showcases, not much! smdh
Should have asked what's the difference between a prostitute and a hog... never mind
Smpslt7's Avatar
Mine was a joke, yours was just rude.
nuglet's Avatar
Mine was a joke, yours was just rude. Originally Posted by Smpslt7
You're right Smpsit: plus, if you notice, he has TWO posts (not reviews) in the year he's been here, and this was one of them. LOL
Makes ya wonder huh? Speaking of "Chickens".
This made me LOL!
Some vacationing providers were on the Sunset Limited train from New Orleans to California when the train stopped on the reservation in New Mexico. The NoLa providers saw some Native ladies selling souvenirs. "What are y'all?" the NoLa ladies asked.

"We're Navajos," came the answer. "What are y'all?"

The visitors smiled back, "We're New Orleans hos."

and don't forget to tip your waitress, folks.
Bobave's Avatar
With the exception of one post, it's entertaining. A refreshing break.
Guy asks a hooker, "how's business?"

The hooker says, "eh, comes and goes."