Technology in the Hobby

Treetop78759's Avatar
What if a provider secretly took a digital photo of a trick as he walks up to the door. Could she do an image search to get RW info?

What if a provider required a photo for screening purposes. Could she do an image search to get RW info?

What if someone took a dudes photo while walking into an AMP. Could he do an image search be done to get RW info?

What if LE raided an AMP and took the video recordings. Could LE do an image search to get RW info?
Don't need an image search. Much easier and simpler to just get a license plate number (easy enough for provider or anyone in the vicinity) and you can find out everything about him (or anyone, for a nominal monthly fee). Everything he's ever done, addresses, wives, kids, businesses, where he works, etc. Perfect for both LE and anyone up to no good.

Next time be on the alert for the suspicious guy sitting in a car writing something down as he watches guys go into and come out of AMPs (with a bottle of water and a smile on their faces, usually). As David Crosby said, "it increases my paranoia, like looking in my mirror and seeing a PO-lice car." (If he's taking photos, he's probably a private detective hired by your wife.)

Geez, Treetop, you really like stoking paranoia, don't you?
What if Treetop stopped posting stupid shit?
DocHolyday's Avatar
What if Treetop stopped posting stupid shit? Originally Posted by Frissionary
Good luck with that ^^^^^^^
Miss Valentina's Avatar
Treetop loves to go off the rails into Paranoia Destinations Unknown.
madmilo69's Avatar
Treetop loves to go off the rails into Paranoia Destinations Unknown. Originally Posted by Miss Valentina
You crack me up, I need to meet you sometime.
I don't think he's paranoid. I think he's either trying to make a threat or trying to make plans.

For the topic itself... always use a burner, never give a photo, never park where you're told, and bring as little in with you as you can. If you can only go in with the clothes on your back and the donation in your pocket do that. This applies even it's a girl with a sterling reputation. Not much you can do if she takes your picture though you should avoid that as much as possible. If as you're walking up your picture gets taken give them a funny look and keep walking.
Treetop - you are not important enough for them to use all that energy on you.
But to stay on topic - if they are motivated to get you - they will get you. You sound like you have issues - better look over your shoulder at all times. Just to be safe, you know.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Speakin' uv ...

What if the hobby gods felt treetop was too mentally unfit to be in the hobby & gave him a tin foil hat, some bubble wrap & a special assignment hunting Bigfoot instead of posting here.
russellevans's Avatar
This is exactly why I won't step foot in the yellow rose. My sources tell me they snap face pictures of everyone along with saving their drivers license info. Treetop is here to try and scare people into their business.
Treetop78759's Avatar
Never mind.

I'm surprised that nobody on Eccie knew.
chitowntransplant69's Avatar
Apparently it's Treetop himself who is organizing people to take photos of people patronizing AMPs, according to him in this thread:

Stopping Human Trafficking at AMP'S. Let's tackle this problem now.

From 6/15:
I hope to have over 60 students from UT who will be outside 10 AMP'S in the next week.

There is a place in Round Rock called GoGo and someone is outside taking photos of the dudes going in and out. Originally Posted by Treetop78759
And also this from 6/18:

My hope is that 6 places will be raided in the next few days. Then after that, the other 40 will fall. Originally Posted by Treetop78759
Just fyi.

And for a little look into his psyche, check out this doozy of a thread:

You're not alone. I'm not alone. We are not alone. CAUTION - THIS THREAD IS VERY CONTROVERSIAL
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 06-20-2017, 11:15 PM
If I had these doubts 16 years ago I'd still be on the sidelines.
We are all being watched by someone somewhere 24/7 365. Your poor thing. If you knew how the real world worked it would scare you so fucking bad you'd want to go sit in a corner and suck your thumb. Sorry. But it's true.

Amps are not even important enough to the trafficking division to even deal with the paperwork. Shit doesn't quite work like you think. trafficking, the influx of smack, sw's lowering their rates and rises of overdoses points to even more horrible things being funded. Dude. Please just shut up take an anthropology class this semester or something. Get on the right mix of meds etc. I'm one of the most paranoid providers there is when it comes to certain things, but you are off the chain homie!