How did you become a white nationalist?

Clay Media's Avatar
Long story short, here....

When I was growing up, it was in a rural area. We didnt have too many non white people. In school, we were forced to watch garbage like roots, Schindler's list, glory, dances with wolves, and other anti white drivel. Out teachers taught us that white people were bad. I heard the same from entertainers and politicians. Well, after graduation, I went out into the real world, went to big cities, traveled a lot. Found out the exact opposite was true.

Years before the "refugee crisis" I began seeing and hearing people gleefully talking about the extinction of whites and how it was going to be a great thing. I heard and saw this in magazines such as national geographic, on TV, etc.

Sometime in the late 90s, I recalled a certain website that said there was this plan called the coundenhove kalergi plan, and that very powerful Jewish people were behind it. The plan was to flood Europe, the United States with third world immigration. I looked at my computer screen and laughed, thinking "what kind of right wing tin foil hat shit is this?" Needless to see, this was not a "theory".

The reasons for this plan, supposedly, are: 1. To destabilize and collapse the western world, so that martial law would be necessary and 2. The "Eurasian negroid race" would be easier to control due to diminished intellectual capacity, yet smart enough to work.

These Zionist Bolsheviks are getting very bold. They don't bother to lie or conceal themselves anymore. Being anti white is cool and fashionable nowadays.
While I agree that being anti-white is fashionable these days, and our days as white people are going to get much worse, it is not the fault of the Jewish people.

Maybe just some assholes like George Soros. Otherwise, hating white people is gaining steam. As long as the white liberals get killed first, I can live with it until they all get killed off, then it needs to stop.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-25-2018, 08:22 AM
While I agree that being anti-white is fashionable these days, and our days as white people are going to get much worse, it is not the fault of the Jewish people.

Maybe just some assholes like George Soros. Otherwise, hating white people is gaining steam. As long as the white liberals get killed first, I can live with it until they all get killed off, then it needs to stop. Originally Posted by friendly fred
ff, you and the OP sure have similar writing styles. Kinda like you would be in a unregulated forum. Could you be related in any way?

It also appears the OP has been banned before.
ff, you and the OP sure have similar writing styles. Kinda like you would be in a unregulated forum. Could you be related in any way?

It also appears the OP has been banned before. Originally Posted by WTF
I've never been banned, so I fail to see the similarities. Also, I've never been known to blame any bad thing on the Jewish people, and I'm not a white nationalist, so I think your assertion is misdirected.

What is your goal with your off topic post?
WTF's Avatar
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  • 11-25-2018, 02:28 PM
I've never been banned, so I fail to see the similarities. Originally Posted by friendly fred
I was asking about your alter-ego?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
OP was right on what he said, but wrong on the Jews in general.

He ignores that it was left wing jews who were largely behind that plan.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 11-25-2018, 02:45 PM
OP was right on what he said, but wrong on the Jews in general.

He ignores that it was left wing jews who were largely behind that plan. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
I grew up in rural America and no teachers taught us that whites were bad.

The OP did not grow up in rural Texas if he was taught that shit.
I grew up in rural America and no teachers taught us that whites were bad.

The OP did not grow up in rural Texas if he was taught that shit. Originally Posted by WTF
Heck, WTF, I'm not sure your teachers taught you much of anything!!

Nevertheless, I have no alter ego, nor am I a white nationalist, though I do not hate them. They are only trying to protect their people, who are dying off slowly.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 11-25-2018, 06:05 PM

Nevertheless, I have no alter ego, nor am I a white nationalist, though I do not hate them. They are only trying to protect their people, who are dying off slowly. Originally Posted by friendly fred
Yes and BLM are trying to protect their people who are dying off much faster...

and younger!
I was born to a so called rural family, but was raised in an industrial town in south east Texas. By industrial, I mean Refineries and Shipyards.

I was not subjected to any real racism untill I was drafted into the military. Some of the more racist people I met in those two years were North Easterners, , particuarilly from NY and New Jersey

The Industry I am in now is predominated by Mexicans. I'm talking 95 percent. I see absolutely zero racism toward me, and toward them.

Except for one major exception. The vast majority of these Mexican men detest black people. They even have their own slang terms for blacks, which is just as detestable as a caucasion using the "N Word".

Why do these men have this attitude the vast majority were not born here? I doubt many had ever even seen a black person before immigrating to the US..

Do any of you other guys see this in other industries from other minorities, Asian Indians or perhaps Orientals?
I was born to a so called rural family, but was raised in an industrial town in south east Texas. By industrial, I mean Refineries and Shipyards.

I was not subjected to any real racism untill I was drafted into the military. Some of the more racist people I met in those two years were North Easterners, , particuarilly from NY and New Jersey

The Industry I am in now is predominated by Mexicans. I'm talking 95 percent. I see absolutely zero racism toward me, and toward them.

Except for one major exception. The vast majority of these Mexican men detest black people. They even have their own slang terms for blacks, which is just as detestable as a caucasion using the "N Word".

Why do these men have this attitude the vast majority were not born here? I doubt many had ever even seen a black person before immigrating to the US..

Do any of you other guys see this in other industries from other minorities, Asian Indians or perhaps Orientals? Originally Posted by Jackie S
Most of the Asian women I know hate black people, too.

As for Mexican people, I rarely talk about it with them.

I do not know any white nationalists, so I cannot speak for them.
themystic's Avatar
I was born to a so called rural family, but was raised in an industrial town in south east Texas. By industrial, I mean Refineries and Shipyards.

I was not subjected to any real racism untill I was drafted into the military. Some of the more racist people I met in those two years were North Easterners, , particuarilly from NY and New Jersey

The Industry I am in now is predominated by Mexicans. I'm talking 95 percent. I see absolutely zero racism toward me, and toward them.

Except for one major exception. The vast majority of these Mexican men detest black people. They even have their own slang terms for blacks, which is just as detestable as a caucasion using the "N Word".

Why do these men have this attitude the vast majority were not born here? I doubt many had ever even seen a black person before immigrating to the US..

Do any of you other guys see this in other industries from other minorities, Asian Indians or perhaps Orientals? Originally Posted by Jackie S
Jackie I have a very similar upbringing and business experience, construction. My industry is also 95% Hispanic. Easily 80% of Construction in the Dallas area are undocumented. That's a fact. Wages are high and I don't see a big rush of whites, blacks, Orientals or Muslims This may shock you but I think Steve Bannon is probably the closet thing to knowing the political reality world wide. Donald Putin, I just cant stand the selfishness, hatefulness and they way he demeans everyone. He may have certain ideas to MAGA but he fucks the whole thing up with always putting his personal interests ahead of everyone. That's normal for people to do but maybe I expect more from our leaders. This is about Donald Putin, not Hillary. His pathological lying erodes trust. Losing the House was a HUGE Loss for DJ Putin
I agree. I see no big rush of any other ethnic or racial group to undo the monopoly that Hispanics have on the skilled and unskilled labor forces in the Houston area.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
My experience with Hispanic workers towards black people is that they think black people complain too much and work too little. Yeah, I'll talk politics with anyone.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 11-26-2018, 07:20 AM
I agree. I see no big rush of any other ethnic or racial group to undo the monopoly that Hispanics have on the skilled and unskilled labor forces in the Houston area. Originally Posted by Jackie S

Hopefully IB will thank the Hispanics for all the work they've done on building all those oil and gas pipelines and lowering his cost of gas! Don't forget to thank the ones that were here illegally IB, they were a major factor in lowering you gas price