John Kerry Warns Immigration Has 'Crushed' Europe

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Fernando Lamas called and wants his shirt back.
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Fernando Lamas called and wants his shirt back. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama

But what about Don Ho?

And of course the Democrats answer to all of this is since Europe is being turned into a shithole due to mass immigrations, the US should return the favor and allow anybody to cross it's borders and do the same.

It's Socialism on a geopolitical scale. Socialism drags every body down to the lowest common denominator by destroying intitiative and creativity. A entire Country should be willing to do the same.
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  • WTF
  • 11-26-2018, 06:04 AM

Fernando Lamas called and wants his shirt back. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Maybe Trump should help Assad crush the rebels in Syria....or at least sell him some gas! Get rid of those little terrorist at a young age!
Wow - both Hillary Clinton and John Kerry have warned about how bad immigration has been for Europe - but somehow Trump is a racist for saying essentially the same thing?
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  • WTF
  • 11-26-2018, 06:47 AM
Wow - both Hillary Clinton and John Kerry have warned about how bad immigration has been for Europe - but somehow Trump is a racist for saying essentially the same thing? Originally Posted by friendly fred
Palestine is a perfect example right ff?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
But what about Don Ho?

BAHAAAAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

He don't count. he's not a politician.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar

Fernando Lamas called and wants his shirt back. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama

ugh... that's an ugly shirt. I wouldn't be caught dead wearing that monstrosity.

Kerry is an idiot. so the shirt fits. it screams "I'm an idiot!"
rexdutchman's Avatar
Oh that shirt!!!
"Wow - both Hillary Clinton and John Kerry have warned about how bad immigration has been for Europe - but somehow Trump is a racist for saying essentially the same thing? " You are correct, and all anyone has to do IS LOOK TO EUROPE , as what NOT to do.
I wanna barf every time I see John Kerry. Yes, Hillary said the same thing. Just friken amazing. Oh I have relatives that live in Germany - they say it's bad.
themystic's Avatar
And of course the Democrats answer to all of this is since Europe is being turned into a shithole due to mass immigrations, the US should return the favor and allow anybody to cross it's borders and do the same.

It's Socialism on a geopolitical scale. Socialism drags every body down to the lowest common denominator by destroying intitiative and creativity. A entire Country should be willing to do the same. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Im curious as to where you, the Alt Right, fox news people etc get your info. I haven't met a single person that thinks we should just have an open border free for all. Just more propaganda from the Alt right
rexdutchman's Avatar
Some propaganda But , soros fund his Open world society and of course the dems Billary that wish to let everybody in ( they don't call it open borders but) I to have never met anyone that thinks its a good idea , including people working here on vistas
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  • WTF
  • 11-26-2018, 09:57 AM
I Oh I have relatives that live in Germany - they say it's bad. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Are they kin to the people who said the school kids immigrants get their vaccinations reversed?

Immigration has been bad for some politicians , good for others such as Trump.

It is a shame that people take out of context wtf is actually said.

Did you read the actual soeach? The part where Kerry blamed climate change on these wars and refugees?

See where I'm going here?

Prop us thousands of the John Kerry Scarecrow at the border.....we'll save billions on building that wall. And the Kerry Scarecrow is sure to keep 'em out. Foolproof....and cheap.

Oh....make sure they all get one of those shirts. That's the key....
Palestine is a perfect example right ff? Originally Posted by WTF
Why don't we let all the Palestinians move to your neighborhood, and see how it goes?

Immigration creates high friction societies.