Why Only Do Black Democrats Complain About Racism? Why Don’t Black Republicans Complain About Racism? Why Don’t Latinos, Asians, and Middle Eastern People Complain About Racism? Are Black Democrats The Only Victims Of Racism? Help Me Understand This

If White supremacy and systemic racism is such a problem, why doesn’t every other demographic complain about it? Not even LGBTQ complains about bigotry. Is it possible that only Black Democrats are victims of bigotry? I just don’t understand. Someone help me out.
We all know why, but we can’t say the real reason because we would be accused of being racist.

As a note, as of late the most racist people I know toward blacks are the Vietnamese. A close second are Hispanic men.
biomed1's Avatar
Members are cautioned to thread lightly.

Walking down this road is like walking on the edge of a razor.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
OP, maybe you should read one of Dr. Harry Edwards' books. I know you don't really care about the answer to your inquiry, and this is just another one of your racist troll threads, but he is one of the top sociologists in the country if you really want an answer. That man is about as brilliant as it gets about race relations in this country.

He was a visiting professor for an elective I took in undergrad. I took that class because I thought it would be an easy "A". I was wrong. That was the probably the best class I ever had in college though. And I didn't get even close to my easy "A" either... dude was pretty hardcore when grading papers.
The mod could just end this discussion since we all know it’s just a reason for the resident racist to stir up racist shit. Why even entertain the umpteenth race thread and allow it to drone on and on. Maybe a living breathing mod would just stop the resident racist in his tracks, since ya know that’s all this thread and the umpteen others are meant for.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Yeah 1b1, there is no place to go in this thread. It's just more antagonist racist bullshit by the OP. But at least it gave me the chance to give one of my favorite former professors some love. And if anyone is genuinely interested (highly doubtful), I gave them a very credible source to read legitimate answers... hell, this thread was just to attack democrats and black people at the same time. How can people discuss that in a civil manner?
biomed1's Avatar
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Eccie staff won't do shit about all the racist mofos on here. Looks like the place to be if you're an ignorant clueless uneducated racist inbred redneck very very insecure fucking moron

Did I say really really really insecure and stupid people are welcome 24/7/365 for the moron adms enjoyment

Ban my ass racist adm morons for being a very very very secure person and keep suckin what you be suckin mega morons
mega morons love mega morons
IDK if this thread is discussable (if that’s a word). But one thing that is obvious is there are people in the media that make a lot of money fanning those “racist” flames.
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the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Today, racism is a grift. An industry where people can force others with the threat of an accusation. Why only democrats? Because that is the nature of being a democrat. You have to hold someone else responsible for your shortcomings. Like a woman who goes through one toxic relationship after another. She can date 12 losers in a row but never thinks that she may be somewhat to blame. She chose them. All those voters in Chicago, Los Angeles, and Baltimore complain of racism but they keep electing the same people. Look, if they were racist then why don't you elect someone else the next time. I have no doubt that real racism still exists and will continue to exist but the modern racism industry is a con job.
... I'm surely seeing things a bit differently these days, mate.

I see some of the black voters moving AWAY from the usual
"democrat politics" to becoming more independent-minded
with their voting choices.

Not really seeing as many claims of "racism" NOW - as we
have seen in the past. ... And perhaps with good reason.
LESS "racism" now - at least against the black people.

Look at what's going on - the Dems plan for slavery
"reperations" - the onley reason for this is for
the Dems to desperately "keep the black vote" that
they've begun to lose... As a good number of black
voters have seen MORE black Republicans come-forth
with solid ideas and conservative values that appeal to ALL.

So the "America is racist" idea - and the chants and claims
have started to be less and less - from what I seen.
Which may also be the reason the Dems have surely decided
to pivot from black - and onto the Trans-gendres - as the
"new people" who are now the so-called targets of "racism"...

That's the way I see things, mates.
And I surely believe that most of us actually CAN
discuss issues such-as this one in a fair-minded,
intelligent manner.

#### Salty
hell, this thread was just to attack democrats Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Yeah. This is the Political Forum. That's what we do here. 3 Democrats have chimed in so far. Not one has answered the question posed or challenged the legitimacy of the question. Instead they call me names, ask the mods for censorship, and criticize the mods for not honoring their demands. If they can't debate, then they advocate censorship. That's all you need to know about these people. My only mission here is to provoke thought. Nothing else. I'm not a racist. I despise ALL Leftist, Communist, Democrats.
Precious_b's Avatar
Which party is bio affiliated with CC?
  • Tiny
  • 04-15-2023, 10:04 PM
Why Only Do Black Democrats Complain About Racism? Why Don’t Black Republicans Complain About Racism? Why Don’t Latinos, Asians, and Middle Eastern People Complain About Racism? Are Black Democrats The Only Victims Of Racism? Help Me Understand This

If White supremacy and systemic racism is such a problem, why doesn’t every other demographic complain about it? Not even LGBTQ complains about bigotry. Is it possible that only Black Democrats are victims of bigotry? I just don’t understand. Someone help me out. Originally Posted by Cheap Charlie
Yeah. This is the Political Forum. That's what we do here. 3 Democrats have chimed in so far. Not one has answered the question posed or challenged the legitimacy of the question. Instead they call me names, ask the mods for censorship, and criticize the mods for not honoring their demands. If they can't debate, then they advocate censorship. That's all you need to know about these people. My only mission here is to provoke thought. Nothing else. I'm not a racist. I despise ALL Leftist, Communist, Democrats. Originally Posted by Cheap Charlie
I'm not a Democrat, but I'll bite. I question the premise. Latinos, Asians, and Middle Eastern people all complain about racism. So do white Americans working in Japan. And the LGBTQ community, particularly Trans people, complain about discrimination big time.

The part of Texas where I live is more Southwest than South. Blacks comprise a small % of the population here. Personally, I have not noticed blacks complaining about discrimination. Actually, I suspect the majority of Black men in my county voted for Trump. I know the majority of the Hispanics did, given there are more Hispanics than Whites, and Trump won by 57 percentage points. The only incident I can remember was a black friend in my small high school said he wouldn't date a white girl because people wouldn't accept it. There's no doubt he was accepted as he was one of the most popular people in the class. If memory serves me correctly he was student council Vice President. That was many years ago, and things have changed a lot since then.

Anyway, what I'm saying is what I've experienced probably isn't typical, compared to what I might have seen if I grew up and lived in Dallas or Houston. And is a completely different world from what I hear described on MSNBC and CNN.

That's why Blackman's description of his career was so fascinating to me. I formerly figured like you that race isn't a barrier to Blacks in America any longer, perhaps mostly based on my personal experiences. Blackman changed my mind. That was probably in one of your threads, so yes, you did provoke thought.