Leah Carreira's Avatar
A tour guide – a person who guides groups or individual tourists to show them and interpret the cultural and natural heritage of the area they visit; a person who also posses knowledge of contemporary social and political life of a specific area.

Guiding is a skill of:
Selecting and varying information for you audience
Presenting information in a simple and precise way
Allowing visitors to see and understand
It is a skill, when well performed, is invisible but influences tourists and make them think and feel the true essence of the culture

How to give a good guided tour
Be well prepared for the tour
Be friendly and polite
Show enthusiasm
Try to be a good team leader and don’t be a dictator
Be professional (punctual)
Inform tourists of locations, times and any special considerations
Inform tourists of things unique to a region
Structure information you give
Use interesting language
Be objective

I have been to Greece, before, but I am searching for a knowledgeable tour guide who knows how to treat a Goddess who is on tour

WTF? in the sandbox.... pigs trolling?
loveitdou's Avatar
NOW THAT'S COUNTER PRODUCTIVE "Try to be a good team leader and don’t be a DICK-TATOR" Fixed it
oilfieldscum's Avatar
Does this have anything to do with Baklava?

Prime Time's Avatar
Does this have anything to do with Baklava Originally Posted by oilfieldscum
Absolutely. Perhaps the one thing I love more than fried chicken.