Encounter: STAR at Bali. Had me begging for more with that SEXY body

BigTex@FairPark's Avatar
Date: 5/16/19
Name: STAR
Address and Phone: Bali - 2570 Walnut Hill Lane, Phone: (214) 351-0755
Address: -
Phone: -
City: Dallas
State: Texas
Email Address: -
URL / Website: -
Activities: MPCFS, Sexy TS and BBJ, TUMA, BLS, 69, NURU, SS
Hair Length and Color: Blonde
Age: High 20
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: Korean
Physical Description: One hot chick. Petite and a surely a spinner. Lost some weight from my last visit with her. Brown eyes.
Recommendation: Yes
Spicyqueso's Avatar
Nice one big Tex can’t wait till I can see her again
David Hasselhoff's Avatar
Nice description
BigTex@FairPark's Avatar
Nice description Originally Posted by David Hasselhoff
She is better in person. Words can’t describe her sexyness
Star is back at Bali today, after a LONG vacation.
albadia's Avatar
I just saw her while on my earlier visit today, she’s damn hot
Boomstick's Avatar
breast size?
albadia's Avatar
I am still recovering, this little hottie with the body knows how to please, I will make my review of her shortly, damn she knows her game