Encounter: Jun in June

Mental AtrraXXXion's Avatar
Date: Beginning of June
Name: Jun
Address and Phone: Bali - 2570 Walnut Hill Lane, Phone: (214) 351-0755
Address: I-35 and Walnut Hill
Phone: 214-351-0755
City: Dallas
State: Texas
Email Address: NA
URL / Website: NA
Activities: See ROS
Hair Length and Color: Past shoulders, blondish
Age: 34 admitted by her.
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: Korean
Physical Description: Jun has a very voluptuous body for an Asian girl. Well endowed ass, Nice C cups, great nips, pretty, awesome attitude
Recommendation: Yes
Nice Jun review
David Hasselhoff's Avatar
Good review
Solid_Latino's Avatar
I miss some Jun in June !
But will head her way the minute I get back over there !
She is a guaranteed - Hell of a time !
BigTex@FairPark's Avatar
I like that big behind of hers.
David Hasselhoff's Avatar
I miss some Jun in June !
But will head her way the minute I get back over there !
She is a guaranteed - Hell of a time ! Originally Posted by Solid_Latino
Well said
Unicorn - so rare to see a beauty like this.