
Please someone help me understanda females benefit behind having a pimp. The female is the only draw. Why would a woman do all thebwork then turn proceeds ovet to anothet person. Now i get agencies and like using them because the girl makes her money and agency gets its cut,but for a provider to give up her most precious commodity then turn all the money over to someone else is incomprehensible
Wakeup's Avatar
Someone drives them around...someone buys them food...someone pays for their abortions...someone pays for their nails and hair...someone does their screening...someone protects them from nasty hobbyists...

All for a nominal fee and a few pimp slaps...sounds fine to me...
Someone drives them around...someone buys them food...someone pays for their abortions...someone pays for their nails and hair...someone does their screening...someone protects them from nasty hobbyists...

All for a nominal fee and a few pimp slaps...sounds fine to me... Originally Posted by Wakeuр


Those guys don't protect any one! Half the time while she is in a call he is out spending the money she handed him before he left!

I never get it either. I have never met a girl who had one that had any thing great to say about having one. I have met tooo many that have had a lot of bad stories, not so much physical abuse, but just the fact of not having their own $ or other girls benifiting from their $--- Its just stupid.

I feel sorry a little bit, but damn, you chose it, you deal with it!
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Please someone help me understanda females benefit behind having a pimp. The female is the only draw. Why would a woman do all thebwork then turn proceeds ovet to anothet person. Now i get agencies and like using them because the girl makes her money and agency gets its cut,but for a provider to give up her most precious commodity then turn all the money over to someone else is incomprehensible Originally Posted by snowballpeter
It's not as clear cut as you are making it seem SBP. Most (if not all) girls who are pimped, have deep seeded emotional issues that will not change until they get psychological help or they have a near death experience.

Many of those young ladies grew up in situations that are so bad we cannot even begin to understand. Many have been raised by parents addicted to drugs, were raped and/or molested, many had no fathers, the list goes on & on ... and when those things happen to girls at young ages, it changes who they are.

The girls you are talking about in your post, well their brains do not function like ours. Many have never had anyone show them support or shown any interest in them at all. So when these pimps come around and shower them with attention, even though it is the wrong kind of attention, the girl welcomes it.

Then once he starts beating her and degrading her, its no big deal to her, because that is what she is used too. By this point her level of (misplaced) loyalty is so high that she will probably stay with him for years, because she just wants someone, anyone to hold on too.

I have met many pimped girls through out the years and they are all insecure, scared, timid women who put on a good front. They are looking for love in all the wrong places. I wish it was as clear cut as people want to make it seem.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 04-02-2012, 06:16 PM
I would have to agree with you on that brook. I have known a few abused girls and they always go back to the guy that may have put them in the hospital. Amazingly if they leave the guy the next guy whips the chicks ass again. Most will tell you something bad happened to them in the past. Look out for your daughters one loser early on leads to a life full of em.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Look out for your daughters one loser early on leads to a life full of em. Originally Posted by trey

Very true!
I totally agree also with you Brooke. Its really sad if u ask me. But on a personal note. No i dont have a "manager". I can manage my own funds just fine.
Many of the girls who Brooke is talking about are also addicted to drugs. It would be very difficult for that type of girl to live any kind of a normal life.