Rates from the guys side

Bob the Nailer's Avatar
Rule #1:
Ladies may set their rates wherever they see fit. I know they must factor in their time, incall location (it ain't free fellows), old factor, fat factor, smelly factor, etc to finally get to a clean reasonably proportioned gentlemen that is reasonably nice and not a total jerk.

I would like to discuss the guys side of saving up the donation. Say our guy is married 10 years, 2 kids, wife works and spends most of her free time managing the kids with help from our beat down Dad. He wants some hot monkey sex. Can't get it at home, cuz the SO is too tired to do anything other than a quick BJ and missionary, doggy on Friday night (YEAH!!)

He makes 45K, has a mortgage, car note, trying to save for college funds, maybe paying off college debts. Wife works too and is the better money manager, so she pays most of the bills with input from our beat down Dad. How long will it take for him to squirrel away $250-$300 for a session with a hot nubile, WILLING, sexual dynamo? (Refer to rule #1) It make take some guys several months to get the money and excuse to get out of the house.

I'm not in any way talking trash to our wonderful providers about their prices. It's just that most guys don't have a money tree in the backyard, which is in part why I believe some of the "Bargain hunting" happens.

Personally, I look for someone that fits my criteria of IOP & BCD skills, then read reviews to see if they are what I'm really looking for. Price is my last criteria.

Rule #2:
If she is out of your price range, either save up or move on. Don't bitch about the price.

If she is too pricey for me, I just save up and see her a week or two later.
lily blake's Avatar
Seeing escorts is a leisure not a right, try getting a mistress I bet you she'll cost more.
Bob the Nailer's Avatar
Seeing escorts is a leisure not a right, try getting a mistress I bet you she'll cost more. Originally Posted by lily blake
You're correct. I've always gone with escorts and not affairs. Too many boiling bunny nightmares!! LOL
Ray007's Avatar
BTN, I like your realistic figures. That my friend is the average income for most every day middle class working american family. lily b. I totally agree with you 100%, it is a leisure and I will go even further than that.....it is a necessity for a lot of us. In marriage the first few years you can't seem to get enough of one other, referring to husband and wife. But as time goes by the sex, well it kind of spirals downwards and we're left with our dicks in our hands. That only works for so long(Rosie palm and her five sisters) and that gets old fast. We need the female contact, the scent, warmth, the giving and receiving. As for myself being married for some time well, I had to get me some relief. That's when I started hobbying, first with ASPD and backpage when it was it in the day. Also there was Craigslist until the incident in 2009 with Philip Haynes Markoff and the adult escort site was shut down. Hobbying on Eccie makes me continue my everyday life like all is normal. So as far as prices go, budgeting our financial status comes first than my needs. $200-$250 is my price range, as far as $300-$500.....well, I'll leave those for shall I say the more prosperous. BTN, I know there's been threads on this topic before, but always good to talk about it. Kudos! My opinion.
Hiding the money from the SO..is getting to be a problem. As she gets more computer-savy, there will come a day when she asks what I did with that $300 cash withdrawal.
"I'm betting with it, baby."
"Where are your winnings?"
"Well...uh...I lose a lot..."
Ray007's Avatar
Prolongus, I'm with you on this, I handle our financial status....but one day!
At the gym this morning, there were these super cute pair of yoga pants. I checked the tag and they were $93!!!

I also want a larger vehicle. No scratch that - I NEED a larger vehicle.

Guess what? I have to plan and budget and cut costs elsewhere with the limited time and opportunity I have to make the money to pay for my RW commitments.

And I am seriously considering cutting out some expenses for those yoga pants because, dammit, they were REALLY cute!!

Such is life.
Hiding the money from the SO..is getting to be a problem. As she gets more computer-savy, there will come a day when she asks what I did with that $300 cash withdrawal.
"I'm betting with it, baby."
"Where are your winnings?"
"Well...uh...I lose a lot..." Originally Posted by Prolongus
Prolongus, I'm with you on this, I handle our financial status....but one day! Originally Posted by Ray007
Y'all need to learn the same trick women use. Start doing the grocery shopping and request cash back and then the credit card statement just says the grocery store.
FunInDFW's Avatar
Y'all need to learn the same trick women use. Start doing the grocery shopping and request cash back and then the credit card statement just says the grocery store. Originally Posted by mydallas1
This has a few flaws as well. Don't anyone kid themselves.
This has a few flaws as well. Don't anyone kid themselves. Originally Posted by FunInDFW
Ya I guess a $301.98 grocery bill with only a loaf of bread to show for it isn't the best idea.
At the gym this morning, there were these super cute pair of yoga pants. I checked the tag and they were $93!!!

I also want a larger vehicle. No scratch that - I NEED a larger vehicle.

Guess what? I have to plan and budget and cut costs elsewhere with the limited time and opportunity I have to make the money to pay for the commitments.

And I am seriously considering cutting out some expenses for those yoga pants because, dammit, they were REALLY cute!!

Such is life. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
Model those yoga pants for me and them etc,....bam. Yours. Ha ha.
Ray007's Avatar
Originally Posted by FunInDFW
This has a few flaws as well. Don't anyone kid themselves.
Ya I guess a $301.98 grocery bill with only a loaf of bread to show for it isn't the best idea.

LMAO! True that mydallas1
  • EZ.
  • 08-19-2014, 11:21 AM
Grocery store was the end of my second marriage. Went to pick up some roles and didn't make it home for the rest of the weekend. She wasn't very understanding when it happened a lot.
Two divorces and you find out what is expensive. This is nothing.
Ray007's Avatar
Grocery store was the end of my second marriage. Went to pick up some roles and didn't make it home for the rest of the weekend. She wasn't very understanding when it happened a lot.
Two divorces and you find out what is expensive. This is nothing.

I bet those were damn good rolls OLDLRRP,LOL! They better have been.
Seeing escorts is a leisure not a right, try getting a mistress I bet you she'll cost more. Originally Posted by lily blake
Expounding on that: Seeing escorts is a leisure if you have the extra funds to do so and having those funds gives you as a hobbyist the right to chose who you want to spend that money on.

The escort also has the right to refuse service regardless of the money offered, but most will see a hobbyist as long as he has her requested donation, but some of those will play the well documented YMMV card so they can under perform but still get 100% of their asking donation. Therefore, reading reviews, while they can be helpful, does not necessarily mean that is what your session is going to be like.

Given the OP's scenario of the 45K man, saving up money to spend on a provider would be a difficult task, so he wants to stretch that as far as he can and spend it wisely, hoping his research and choosing of the provider he wants to see for a session will be right and she does not screw him over on her advertised services.