Hunter, Hunter, Hunter

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You know its bad when CBS is running these stories

Prosecutors investigating Hunter Biden subpoenaed documents from a paternity lawsuit including personal, business + tax records for the president's son according to documents obtained CBSNews
“They wanted every record relating to Hunter Biden we had."
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CBS News: The federal investigation of Hunter Biden centers on the "flow of money" from the Biden family's foreign business deals

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A subpoena was issued for documents related to a 2019 paternity lawsuit, as part of the Hunter Biden probe. @CBS_Herridge reports on a prior subpoena, “These (bank) records went back to spans a period when Joe Biden was the vice president."

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Joe Biden met with Hunter Biden business partner at the White House

Hunter Biden’s closest business partner made at least 19 visits to the White House and other official locations between 2009 and 2015, including a sitdown with then-Vice President Joe Biden in the West Wing.

Visitor logs from the White House of former President Barack Obama reviewed by The Post cast further doubt over Joe Biden’s claims that he knew nothing of his son’s dealings.

Eric Schwerin met with Vice President Biden on November 17, 2010 in the West Wing, when he was the president of the since-dissolved investment fund Rosemont Seneca Partners.

The logs also reveal that Schwerin met with various close aides of both Joe and Jill Biden at key moments in Hunter’s life when he was striking multi-million dollar deals in foreign countries, including China. Yet President Biden has long insisted he had no involvement in his son’s foreign affairs. “I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings,” he said in 2019.

”Not everyone gets to meet the Vice President of the United States in the White House. The press should be asking why Hunter Biden’s business associates — like Eric Schwerin — had that privilege and were given access to the Obama White House,” said Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisconsin). “This is additional evidence that Joe Biden lied when he said he never discussed Hunter’s foreign business dealings. It’s well past time for the corporate media to demand the truth from Joe Biden. The corruption of Biden Inc. must be exposed.”

Of all Hunter Biden’s business associates, Schwerin had the most intimate access to the vice president’s personal finances.

His deep involvement in the personal and professional lives of both Bidens were first revealed in emails contained on a laptop abandoned by Hunter Biden at a Delaware computer repair store in April 2019.

Hard drive emails show he was involved in Joe Biden’s personal taxes and discussed the vice president’s financial future with him.

In October 2009, just months after Hunter co-founded Rosemont Seneca, Schwerin met with Evan Ryan, Vice President Biden’s assistant for intergovernmental affairs and public liaison, in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building where the vice president’s office is based, according to the visitor logs.

While working in the halls of power Ryan acted as a conduit for Hunter Biden and his cronies, hard drive emails show.

In one email from February 18, 2010, Ryan received a request from Chris Sloan, Director of Government Relations for the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades advocating that union lawyer Craig Becker be nominated to the National Labor Relations Board. Sloan asked that Vice President Biden press Obama on the issue. Hunter was CCed.

“Thanks Chris — I will forward this one,” she responded to both.

Obama named Becker to the job through a recess appointment a month later, sparking howls of protest from Republicans at the time.

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... The Democrat leaders just CONTINUE to LIE about everything.
And the American people surely DESERVE BETTER.

And they're gonna VOTE for BETTER come November!

### Salty
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This is a real ad for a real store in a real newspaper

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The subpoena for records in the Hunter Biden paternity lawsuit seeks income + payroll tax records. CBS Herridge says it may mean "U.S. Attorney is not only looking at whether (he) appropriately paid his taxes but whether he did so also for his employees."