Have to cancel Tennessee trip...

I am suppose to be in Nashville today -14th and then Memphis 15th & 16th. But as you know the weather is horrible. I am suppose to drive but dont think to safe to do that.

I am very sorry and mad.. I think it was going to be a very great trip. I will be rescheduling FOR SURE!! I am very sorry to inconvenience anybody..
bluffcityguy's Avatar
I am suppose to be in Nashville today -14th and then Memphis 15th & 16th. But as you know the weather is horrible. I am suppose to drive but dont think to safe to do that. Originally Posted by young alexis
Look out for your own safety first. I'm sure we'd rather see you here a bit later later, healthy and frisky, than hear about a tragic accident on the highways...

Happy holidays!


Yes, good move, take good care of yourself, and again, I would love to see you when you do make it to Nashville. The roads are very bad here, so take care.
Thank you guys...

We dont get much snow here in Dallas, so I cant drive in it.. LOL..
Christmas Eve last year here it was icy and I got into my first car accident.
So I think it is best.. Thanks for understanding.

I will be rescheduling!!
bluffcityguy's Avatar
Thank you guys...

We dont get much snow here in Dallas, so I cant drive in it.. LOL.. Originally Posted by young alexis
We in Memphis are worse.

You don't get much, so you know you can't drive in it.

We get just enough to kid ourselves that we can drive in it, so of course all hell breaks loose when we get some real snow (fortunately, we didn't get much this weekend; I saw a few flurries (if you want to dignify them as such) Sunday morning; mostly it's just been as cold as a witch's... you know... ).

Look forward to your rescheduled trip.


bcg (I can drive in it, but I grew up in St. Louis and spent a number of years in Chicago...)
Roads are getting better around Nashville, but still best to stay in if possible. I have to go to Nashville now from Ky, but guess we will just have to be careful as we can.