Go Mets!!

kayleemarie's Avatar
Good evening everyone. I am enjoying my down time right now. Would have loved to be at the game this evening but I decided to take the time off and come back up to see my friends, finish up some work, take a bubble bath and to update my website and profiles.
I added photos to my showcase. I actually doubled the amount I had on here. I hope you guys enjoy. Also I am going to be adding some detail to my profile.
I am not trying to sound rude, I am simply telling it how it is. I have been well establish in my career for many years now and am not looking to change that. I enjoy the fact that there are so many very sweet, generous, gentlemen to spend time with that truly respects a lady. I have been on a plane more than I ever thought I would be in my life now, but would not change any of it. Well... just one trip. Also taught me to screen a little better!! There are some things that I am not into. We can discuss shared ideas etc., but if you think you are going to disrespect me in anyway, you got the wrong girl. Keep shopping.
Again, I am about quality not quantity for many reasons, but the main one is my free time and my "Kaylee Marie" time are clashing and creating more stress than I want to deal with. For the ones that I have established a friendship with, contact me anytime. Within reason of course. No excessive texting! For the ones that want to meet me please visit my website and completely fill out a screening form, then send me a message through my website please. That way I receive notification twice. It helps me screen more efficiently, and save every one time. I do thoroughly screen.
This can be a very dark world. I have learned over the course of my life that you have to be cautious. There is a lot of people out here with ill intent or mental incapacities. There is not enough time in the day to have to deal with some of what I have already. If you are looking for a woman that is almost uninhibitedly enthusiastic about life and enjoying it to the fullest, you have come across the right one.
I am truly a great investment and friend to have. But please understand that my time is up for negotiations, not my heart. I am living life and enjoying it. There is a few that I have had to let go due to the fact of emotions getting involved. WARNING!! If the stars and the moon aligns, and we happen to meet, You will fall in love. If not for the main reason, you will many others. It might just be for my sense of humor.
I have tried to tone it down for this, because I am being very serious, very, very serious. Life is 90% attitude. I have an amazing one! It's contagious, let's connect and see. But please understand that I am not here to be one man's trophy. Over time who knows, but please do not think that I am some girl that needs to be "Saved". I thoroughly enjoy entertaining people and am a very passionate person.
Intimate moments are what you make of them, with communication, the sky is the limit, and without having to worry about your wife or your real life, you can reach ecstasy more easily. Who does not love a beautiful, passionate woman? Especially one that you do not have to put up with on a daily basis. I am the type that everyone needs. I can be your counselor or your coach. (I excel in picking up hot women. I was asked to be the "Best Man" for a couple that I hooked up back in college.) I can be your stress reliever and support to keep you going from week to week. Mutual enjoyment is my main objective.

This is a very abrupt ending to what was going to be a short little ditty for everyone here, but I do thank you for your time and look forward to becoming acquainted. I must go, the game is on. GO METS!! First time since 911. I hope they pull it off. Its looking a little dim, but remember, it's all about attitude! Anyone want to have a sleep over? Oh the fun that we could have. I would be forever molded into your mind along with your heart. Promise.

Overnights for established friends are negotiable. I want to cuddle.
