8 Reasons the Hobby World is better than the RW

So...ever since I entered the hobby, I felt almost at "home", if you will. I love it here (for the most part), and would much rather be here than slaving at a typical 8-5, Monday-Friday, just to go to the bar on Saturday and possibly hook up with an average-Joe 20-something-year-old that isn't even going to please me like you gentlemen do.

Wouldn't most of us agree, the Hobby World is better than the RW?

I thought of a few reasons that this is my happy place.

1. I feel sexy/attractive/wanted. Yeah, I understand it's LUST and not love, but hey! Everyone wants to feel good about themselves. And to be honest, boys my age in the real world don't really find "spinners" sexy...just saying.

2. I get pleasure - DATY, back massages, kissing on my body...foreplay! A secret? I never experienced the beauty that is DATY until I entered the hobby! RW boys just expect you to do EVERYTHING and don't offer anything in return. So thanks to everyone that has spoiled me!

3. I can tell a man he's a cum slut, my bitch, and that I'm now going to shower him with my juices - and he will like it! Granted, this isn't for everyone...but how freakinh exhilarating to have this opportunity!

4. I get to experience more than I ever considered. Who would've thought I'd love Greek, or TUMA, or boys for toys, water play, BDSM? My horizons are continuously expanding and it's awesome!

5. I feel comfortable here. We all have something in common, and I never feel awkward, or like I don't know what to talk about/do.

6. There's less judgement - to a point.

7. I don't have to hold back. Release all inhibitions at Bambiland!

8. I call the shots! What's better than getting to do what YOU want, when you want, with who you want?!

So, why do you gents and ladies like it here? Anything to add?

Great list!
WhoreMaster's Avatar
I agree 100% I have had some memorable experiences since I joined last month. I enjoy having boundaries in my life.. Home/ Family is my sanctuary, hobby is my fantasy world. Since joining I'd discovered the true meaning of "GFE" with one provider I see from time to time. I think its beneficial to find a provider you have chemistry with. Makes the game/fantasy more real, just as long as both parties knows its still fantasy.
  • Gbfsl
  • 04-23-2015, 11:33 AM
Glad you are enjoying this crazy world.

What are the other three reasons? :-)
Durantx8817's Avatar
Glad you are enjoying this crazy world.

What are the other three reasons? :-) Originally Posted by Gbfsl

+1 Im very interested in these other 3 reasons.

We may not know each other Bambi but I am a boy of your age. Perhaps I could show you the exception to your beliefs of us boys.
SoleMan's Avatar
What a great list!

I'm glad you are enjoying yourself, at least in the HW. I think you will find that there are plenty of us here who enjoy giving pleasure as much as receiving it. I love your attitude, this post makes me want you even more.
Richardtx's Avatar
I love you..uh like you.
Answer to the question on why we like it here, is mainly due to the awesome providers like you. So glad to hear that you are enjoying this. You are great.
pyramider's Avatar
So...ever since I entered the hobby, I felt almost at "home", if you will. I love it here (for the most part), and would much rather be here than slaving at a typical 8-5, Monday-Friday, just to go to the bar on Saturday and possibly hook up with an average-Joe 20-something-year-old that isn't even going to please me like you gentlemen do.

Wouldn't most of us agree, the Hobby World is better than the RW?

I thought of a few reasons that this is my happy place.

1. I feel sexy/attractive/wanted. Yeah, I understand it's LUST and not love, but hey! Everyone wants to feel good about themselves. And to be honest, boys my age in the real world don't really find "spinners" sexy...just saying.

2. I get pleasure - DATY, back massages, kissing on my body...foreplay! A secret? I never experienced the beauty that is DATY until I entered the hobby! RW boys just expect you to do EVERYTHING and don't offer anything in return. So thanks to everyone that has spoiled me!

3. I can tell a man he's a cum slut, my bitch, and that I'm now going to shower him with my juices - and he will like it! Granted, this isn't for everyone...but how freakinh exhilarating to have this opportunity!

4. I get to experience more than I ever considered. Who would've thought I'd love Greek, or TUMA, or boys for toys, water play, BDSM? My horizons are continuously expanding and it's awesome!

5. I feel comfortable here. We all have something in common, and I never feel awkward, or like I don't know what to talk about/do.

6. There's less judgement - to a point.

7. I don't have to hold back. Release all inhibitions at Bambiland!

8. I call the shots! What's better than getting to do what YOU want, when you want, with who you want?!

9. People that appreciate the lady's taint, and taint photos.

So, why do you gents and ladies like it here? Anything to add?

XO! Originally Posted by bambigirl

I added one.
doug_dfw's Avatar
For me, the hobby allowed me for years to seek sexual pleasure forbidden by my SO with one commitment- the fee. No SO, to seek sexual pleasure with one commitment- the same. Now an old fart, the only way to seek a younger lady to enjoy personal sexual joy on a regular schedule is the hobby. The hobby has introduced me to such a lady whom I respect and adore.

Please, no nasty comments from you bulls who leap fences. I still can. But am happy in my pasture. Yours, Ferdinand the Bull.
Mavs fan's Avatar
Not to seem rude but I like the fact that when the fun is over there are no other expectations of me. In other words, the lady leaves and I don't have to take any bullshit from her like a wife or girlfriend. There is no jealousy or conditions. I am emotionally unattached. Not to say that I don't personally like some of the ladies I have met because I do. Not one provider has ever asked/told me to take out the garbage. Or asked me who is texting me. They don't care and neither do I. It is a financial transaction based on having a good time with no attachments. It's perfect!!!
As you can see, guys eat this shit up, including me. So you have some potential new clients. Great marketing!
Not to seem rude but I like the fact that when the fun is over there are no other expectations of me. In other words, the lady leaves and I don't have to take any bullshit from her like a wife or girlfriend. There is no jealousy or conditions. I am emotionally unattached. Not to say that I don't personally like some of the ladies I have met because I do. Not one provider has ever asked/told me to take out the garbage. Or asked me who is texting me. They don't care and neither do I. It is a financial transaction based on having a good time with no attachments. It's perfect!!! Originally Posted by Mavs fan
Yup! Best part!
Duthgar1976's Avatar
The best part for me is that even as a n ugly cave troll beautiful woemn will touch me.... =D

I enjoy the hobby because i have been alone a long time and no sex for even longer and i had a healthy appitite for sex. Now i get to choose a lady fitting of what im feeling at that moment.

To the ladies i thank you for your service to gentlemen like myself. As a Navy veteran i hear it all the time "thank your for your service" well ladies i thank you.
melannie_star's Avatar
Great Topic Bambi!

Now, as some one with a rather "ordinary" life and who had grown into a young woman in the Real world at a young age, I had always felt I missed out on a lot as far as dating went.

Meeting so many wonderful Gents give me back all that I desired, but without all the heart ache or problems. I can carry on with my everyday life and routine.
I get the pleasure and sensuality that I crave as well as great conversations that remind me of what it felt like to date..lol.. Kind of giggly and shy feeling.
Going to lunch or dinners and having a casual day out with no expectations the next day weather you answer the phone or not...lol.

I also have had the chance to explore my sexuality and learn new things about myself that I like.

Now as I am almost approaching 30 .. and have learned so much..
I can honestly say, I know what I like, how I like it, and know exactly what to do with it..lol.
There is no shame in my game

I am more open in the " hobby life" than I am in the RW. ..
If you were to meet me any where in a restaurant, I am much more reserved.

Versus meeting someone behind closed doors, I am such a chatterbox..lol..

I have no idea why that is except that I have grown more comfortable in this lifestyle.

When meeting men in the real world.. I have heard everything under the sun to impress me.. when you know at the end of the day.. It really doesn't take much.
Don't get me started on the ones who think they are getting lucky at the end of the night.. lol.. If I have a feeling that is all it is about.. lol.. I will give out my email to make an appt.. haha. j/k. But I will just walk away,

I love this topic because this is a completely different lifestyle that we are all here for a purpose. No matter what that may be.. for the most part we all have the best of intentions and at the end of the day..it is about convenience and understanding. Trust and Respect.