Is it happening a lot to you too????

Seems to me every time someone posts a ncns thread it turns into a bunch of bs drama so I try to avoid doing it, chalk it up to sh*t happens and move on. I'm sure I'm not the only one. lol

That being said, I've been ncns'd THREE TIMES this week and once last week all by someone I've either seen before or someone who passed standard screening (e.g. two recent verifiable references, no red flags on search or eratic/rude posting history). These were set/confirmed appts with time and day - NOT "oh ya I'll call you tomorrow afternoon".

Have other ladies been having a string of these lately as well but don't post due to the aforementioned reason?? I'm just curious if maybe the stars are out of whack in all of hobby-ville or just hottnurse-ville? lol

I've never believed I needed a cancellation fee but I am starting to rethink that....I have a busy home-life and it costs me money to even make myself available for a session.

If you are a provider and want their handles for your records, please send me a pm request. Thanks.
  • hd
  • 07-26-2013, 02:39 PM
Well......guys will certainly report it and in my case I would if I was canceled on a few minutes before the session because of my time was wasted. In this case, I believe you have the same right to report it since you've spent time getting ready and then he no-shows.

If I'm canceled on an hour or more before, then I don't have a problem with that other than being frustrated, then I go to an AMP instead.

Might be nice if we had a NCNS forum where this could be recorded, but it would also be a he said/she said and no way to prove anything.

The worse part is providers can't really collect a cancellation fee for their time that is now lost. Unless you take credit cards, but good luck with that b/c I'll never use one for the hobby.
omakase's Avatar

(1) There are women-only forums where you can share NCNS alerts without creating drama. Nothing ever good comes when you give people a chance for a he-said-she-said discussion.

(2) Cancellation fees. That's a hard one. You'll send me more attempting to collect. But giving people notice might be enough to deter fair-weathered hobbyists. It's not like you'll see them anyway (ie they often pull out at the last minute). You might have better luck collecting from repeat customers who are in THN withdraw.

(3) Cheer up. It's the weekend now.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
I agree that a cancellation fee would be difficult to collect. You could try to collect it on the next visit, of there ever is one, turning (I don't know your fees) a $250 session into a $350 session. Or you could turn a, for example, $250/hr session into a $250/half-hour session.
I have been extremely lucky. Almost 3 years in the business and have never had 1 NCNS. *knock on wood*. Even when sometimes when I don't feel like doing the appt, or tired, or have something else on my mind, ...and I am hoping for NCNS, my clients always show up. And we ended up having a great time.
Luvyduvy's Avatar
I have been extremely lucky. Almost 3 years in the business and have never had 1 NCNS. *knock on wood*. Even when sometimes when I don't feel like doing the appt, or tired, or have something else on my mind, ...and I am hoping for NCNS, my clients always show up. And we ended up having a great time. Originally Posted by samantha thom
Wow, that was revealing... for me, in a good way... in that you expressed your true self... but ????
Luvyduvy's Avatar
THN - I don't think there is any way of collecting cancellation fees - one lady here says, 'if you cancel, you cannot reschedule.' A bit harsh, for sure, but I think that weeds most of the crap for her. I see many cancellation policies on websites - all use different time frames, but the basic idea is, 'cancel with notice and you are forgiven on the the first appt' -- 'with notice' ranges from an hour to mega hours... again, up to the lady.

What you experienced is an anomaly - as in, it probably won't happen to that extent again.

Make sure these gents are held to the same standards as anyone else... also you did not share the reasons for cancellations - and that could be a source of total frustration.

Bottom line - for me - if I dig a babe, I'm not going to flake on her ... goes to another thread, I take the time to know the lady and have minimal interaction before the date - with ME, no chance of a cancellation unless a true/work emergency
If I call, that means I'm ready with cash in my pocket. I've been double booked on before. One time a providers phone battery died while I was waiting for her. She figured out and offered a free be. I paid for the hour and tipped.

One time I had to call and cancel an appt due to a surpise working lunch meeting at work.I hated to do it, but I called. I like to get out at lunchtime during the week in the north Dallas area. I will call if something happens and I can't show.

When I call though, I'm ready. I'm on time and prepared too.

I would think NCNS threads would almost always be a disaster though once names are mentioned. If a provider does it to me, I won't try again. I don't have enough time to waste that way. Both us value our time right?
If I see flakiness, time-wasting tendency and/or any other red flags in the e-mail communication during screening, I will not agree to see him. And I do decline many many requests! I don't do 'last minute request' from new client, answer to Request of ISO, do BNG, half hour, and answer to disrespectful inquiries...I think my system has been working. :-) But who knows...I can only get lucky for so long. lol
ManSlut's Avatar
You should've had a Plan B, like, call the ManSlut, tell him you're Pissed and Horny!! He'll believe it, he always does, he's a dumb slut...

...Seriously though, call em out if it makes you feel better, dudes do it to the ladies, fair is fair, but it may look bad on you. Your best bet is put them on your DNS/Block list or if they try to reschedule with you down the road tell em, "Remember when you canceled on me short notice, well, I will see but you owe me the regular fee for this session plus a 50% fee for the last session."
You should've had a Plan B, like, call the ManSlut, tell him you're Pissed and Horny!! He'll believe it, he always does, he's a dumb slut...

...Seriously though, call em out if it makes you feel better, dudes do it to the ladies, fair is fair, but it may look bad on you. Your best bet is put them on your DNS/Block list or if they try to reschedule with you down the road tell em, "Remember when you canceled on me short notice, well, I will see but you owe me the regular fee for this session plus a 50% fee for the last session." Originally Posted by ManSlut
NCNS means the person didn't call to cancel....he/she simply didn't show up and no explanation.
pyramider's Avatar
NCNS also means "no taint for you." It seems the NCNS bs seems t run in cycles. Most ladies will hit a stretch where the NCNS is almost expected.
I think the phrase "cancellations less than one hour before our appointment will not be rescheduled" works! If he's having second thoughts then he might call at least to preserve the option. If he's NCNS he's not going to pay a cancellation fee, lol. He's probably not going to contact you again out of embarrassment. Of course assholes seem to be plentiful these days!
playerplano's Avatar
I agree with bbtony if I call I'm ready with cash in pocket. For me it really is a date and I'm showered, shaved and smelling good. I'm very unlikely to cancel a date.

+100 on manslut's suggestion! THN should call me all pissed off because someone NCNS'ed her. There is nothing like an awesome grudge fuck when THN is pissed at someone else!
ManSlut's Avatar
NCNS means the person didn't call to cancel....he/she simply didn't show up and no explanation. Originally Posted by samantha thom
Thank you samantha, my bad, the fingers ran a 'quick out' pattern put the brain 'pump faked and threw a deep post' route...I was tired...Damn samantha, intelligent, beautiful and you love tennis - If you only knew how to handle the 'sheets' on the main and jib of a JBoat I'd marry you.

See THN, I told you I was a dumb slut and far from omniscient (inside joke)...My point still stands, just insert 'NCNS'd me' instead of 'canceled on me short notice'.