"Owner of Air Line" Tricking Girls Outta Money

He will call girls tell them hes an owner of an air line...lives in cali....comes to dallas a few times a month to do pay roll...to me he called himself ... he says hes looking for a girl to pay 7000 to spend time with him every two weeks when hes in dallas...continues to monopolize your time while he begins to talk of taking care of you and how rich he is...once he finally shows up ...in a maroon pick up truck with bald ties that belongs to his employee ...scheduled over night paid the money snatched and ran....a week latter called a friend of mine with the same line.
Sleepy363's Avatar
owner of an airline??? That's all he could come up with? Most airlines are publicly traded companies.

Generally if a guy spends time telling you how rich he is, he's full of shit. That should throw a red flag.

If he paid you the money, find a place to stash it when he isn't watching so he won't know where you put it. Don't leave the money out for someone to grab it and run like that.

Sorry to hear that happened.
200K's Avatar
  • 200K
  • 07-14-2013, 07:45 AM
These ladies work hard for the donations!

It takes a real idiot to cheat the ladies out of their hard-earned cash!

You're on my list *Saddie*! (my want-to-see list!)
Be careful out there! Post his number in the Powder Room!
he's called me my sister and a couple friends. I I thought she posted about him already.
Totally agree 200k - chatted with her last night - SWEETEST lady in the world - REAL scumbag and hope every provider is aware.
lily blake's Avatar
lol he contacted me also lol, thought he was full of bs from first call and put him under dont answer.
lol he contacted me also lol, thought he was full of bs from first call and put him under dont answer. Originally Posted by dallastxbaby
Lol so did I. Freakin jerkoff
  • Sami
  • 07-15-2013, 08:14 AM
Saddie what kind of screening did you do? Did you take his word for it?(Because he was a big talker?) ANY info on this guy? Without it he is moving on as you see. So it would be nice if you have a number, handle, something more. If it sounds to be to good to be true, well you can pretty much bet it is.
Luvyduvy's Avatar
You ladies should actually go along with it... get him to come to you and let him get undressed, then bolt with his clothes... then go to the front desk and tell the manager some naked pervert forced himself into your room... just a thought.

These guys will keep trying, change their game... until they get embarrassed.
Chung Tran's Avatar
You ladies should actually go along with it... get him to come to you and let him get undressed, then bolt with his clothes... then go to the front desk and tell the manager some naked pervert forced himself into your room... just a thought.

These guys will keep trying, change their game... until they get embarrassed. Originally Posted by Luvyduvy

yes, do this, and have the Motel Manager shoot him as he chases you... then the Pallbearers at his funeral will be weeping, as they walk and hum to the strains of Sam Cooke's music
massagegirl's Avatar
He called me last year, and I met him at a Papadeux. I realized right away he was FOS. My friend was with me on the watch. She went out and put a Snicker bar in his gas tank. I don't know what happened to him on the way home, but I like to think it tore his truck the F up. He still calls every now and then forgetting that he already talked to me. I saw an alert about him on another site dated 3 yrs ago. Someone needs to really take him down.
I agree ...someone needs to teach these jerks a lesson.
KittyLamour's Avatar
OMG I can't believe this fucktard is still at it! When I was a brand new provider like 3 1/2 yrs ago he called me and came to see me in McKinney. He was driving that same maroon truck. He told me he was from Beverly Hills CA, owned a business and wanted to pay $10,000.00 a month. Talked real stupid like he was Rhett Butler in Gone With The Wind. Puh-leeze. Anyways... he did the same thing to me. Paid me then took the money back I caught him and told him to give me back my money and he ran out the door with it. What a total prick. I'm sorry that happened to you Saddie. This loser has been at this game a long time. He has mistakingly called me over and over through the past years and every time I give him a good cussing out he always denies it and still with that fake dialogue crap that he thinks makes him sound like gentility. Pish posh.
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
Not trying to be rude here girls, but really? ANY man brags about his money is a broke mutha f*cker. I'm not trying to be rude but I am trying to be real.

For him, it's the thrill of the chase and there will ALWAYS be providers who will ignore the inner voice saying "he is full of shit" in hopes they found their knight and shinning armor. He's a player and there will always be girls he can play.

I'm glad you are okay and I hope he gets what he deserves but there were red flags flying like crazy the whole time.

Thanks for sharing this alert and I hope it spares some ladies the humiliation this a-hole causes in the world.