treating sex addiction

this can be a humorous thread or a serious one. I have am considering that mid life crisis is over, as I made it a mission to get laid a lot, with different women, and have succeeded. No need for a sports car.

it is very addicting, especially the ease of sex through pay. It could be very easy to allow it to lead to financial ruin, or impact my job. I am sure many have crashed and burned, and although I am not there, would be if I keep the pace up much longer

I had fun sharing my confession of sex addiction with a provider, only to have her tell me that one of her clients manages a sex addiction clinic, and we only succeeded at making each other horny

it would be hard to give it up, as I think sex is something I need more of. Of course for us married guys, there is the SO, and I know I can get it there more often. But the nagging and bitching is such a turn off. A good provider succeeds by making the client feel like a king, or in my last encounter, a porn star. Wives and SO would do well to learn how to talk to a man from a provider. It is not about the sex, it is about being an encouragement to each other, and it is two way.

as I need to think about my family, and possibly college bills, I need to seriously consider ceasing the hobby, and the last month was the last hurrah before doing so.

as someone who has dealt with and won against alcoholism, cigarettes, and prohibited topics (years ago on this one), and can still have drink, and known to burn a cigarette once in a while, I will cold turkey for a bit, and maybe engage in the hobby on special occasions only.

i want to thank the board, and the other members here, as it has been very educational, and has led to wise decisions in how I engage in the hobby and be safe.

I need to repeat this: i want to thank the board, and the other members here, as it has been very educational, and has led to wise decisions in how I engage in the hobby and be safe.

I am not sure if I will still contribute to the board in the future, as i think doing so will only feed the addiction. time will tell.

I also want to thank the many providers for the awesome times they gave me, chronologically, Marie, Hunter, Lauren, Nikki, Anita, and Chloe. There are 3 UTRs that forbid me to ever put their name here, so that will be honored, and they would know who they are if they are lurking.

take care people and stay safe
Best of luck LFK! First step is knowing that you may have a problem. Thank you for your contributions to the board. It's an important reminder to all of us that family commitments come first.
gaijin1969's Avatar
Ditto MW's thoughts.... I've enjoyed reading your posts.
Best of Luck LFK, I kind of know how you feel, this hobby cann start to run your life if you let it. Best of luck and hope all works out for you in the end!
Ditto MW's thoughts.... I've enjoyed reading your posts. Originally Posted by gaijin1969
That summed it up nicely. Good luck and after reading your new review of Nikki it sounds like you are going out with an awesome experience. Also, your posts and reviews have always been very respectful which I find refreshing.
you wont kick any addiction on your own
its important to remove ALL the psychological "triggers" from your life like these type of internet sites

its virtually impossible becasue the first time you go out anywhere your going to see some hot chick your going to want to bang
so thats the importance of a support group or at least one person who you can call at a moments notice for advice

or just talk you down, and someone that understands can slap your shit right in about 3 minutes

its impossible to just believe you can read the information here and lurk and not partake,
its all or nothing

as funny as it sounds,

a support group,

and this is NOT it

would be the way to go...

I wish you luck
you wont kick any addiction on your own
its important to remove ALL the psychological "triggers" from your life like these type of internet sites

its virtually impossible becasue the first time you go out anywhere your going to see some hot chick your going to want to bang
so thats the importance of a support group or at least one person who you can call at a moments notice for advice

or just talk you down, and someone that understands can slap your shit right in about 3 minutes

its impossible to just believe you can read the information here and lurk and not partake,
its all or nothing

as funny as it sounds,

a support group,

and this is NOT it

would be the way to go...

I wish you luck Originally Posted by JONBALLS

Very well said!! Its the only way you can beat this one I do beleive is with help!!
it can be extremely empowering and excrutiating

try not pulling one off,,, ever , and the mental toughness that would take

cause everytime you masturbate you feed your brain into the fantasy and that builds to the point where you wont be able to do anything but act

but imagine reaching a point where you have mental control over your simple urges
and then can focus outside yourself and instead on a mate

maybe even develope some intamicy outside of the sexual realm which ultimatly ends up to the greatest sex you could ever experience

might sound crazy, just thincking out loud
Hardpiped03's Avatar
Not everyone is a mental midget. LFK said he has be beaten other addictions. Some have an addictive personality.....others do not. Some people have the ability to control thier urges.
An excellent topic, LFK, and I add my own best wishes for you to those already expressed here.

JB has it right. Like all other addictions, this one is triggered by brain chemistry and is a tough one to beat. Sexual arousal is driven in large part by the anticipation of a large shot of dopamine when we ejaculate.

An unfortunate and disappointing experience in my hobbying life this week has caused me to think about whether I am in control of my hobbying or if the hobby controls me. I suspect that the best course of action for me is to follow LFK's example. I wonder if I can.
Not everyone is a mental midget. LFK said he has be beaten other addictions. Some have an addictive personality.....others do not. Some people have the ability to control thier urges. Originally Posted by Hardpiped03
thats fine,....... congratulations

i was thincking there may be a possibility someelse could bounce off this topic

of coarse theres diferent personalities here,
jokacz's Avatar
Hope you enjoyed your stay here in the land of illusion.

If you are able to walk away without having your real life compromised, consider yourself lucky.

I don't know who Kate is/was, but I'm pretty sure you won't find her here.
pyramider's Avatar
You mean I had it wrong all this time. I thought all you needed was a wood driver upside your head. That is the way Tiger Woods came to grips with his sex addiction.
hahha , tiger couldnt concentrate FOR SHIT when he was trying to stay straight

he tried to just become or appear to be TOTALLY straight the next damn day....impossible

i dont thinck anybody would have accused him of being a mental midget before they realized he had pusssy on his mind..hehe
That damn Tiger gets more then any of us who are we kidding you just don't turn that shit off bercause of a 3 wood to the head!! Well maybe if she hit the little head !! OUCH!!!