Why would anyone say or write "Merry X-mas"?

LadiesFan's Avatar
I don't get it. Maybe I am just too damn old at 40, but I just don't get it.
I can only think of 2 reasons for "Merry X-mas".

1) you are an atheist, and choose not to acknowledge Christ in any way.

2) you are really lazy

I know that this is an unusual forum for this topic, even if you aren't religious at all, I would think that most would find it off-putting to see the name of a religious icon replaced with the letter "x". If you are not a fan of Christianity why wouldn't one choose "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry X-mas"?

-- off my soapbox, thanks for listening.

Merry Christmas,
Good point. I am one of those lazy sin filled Christians who is guilty of this. I would say pure laziness on my part.
I would have to say lazy.
nuglet's Avatar
Christianity is just ripped from the Druids and Pagens. IE: more war, less love.
X is just and easier and there's not a "broken cross" on my keyboard.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
I am not an atheist... I was raise a strict Irish Catholic in Southie....I mean no disrespect when I write X-mas... it is was just want I saw growing up on Tv and else where...

I always say MERRY CHRISTMAS....never Happy Holidays
I agree 100% LadiesFan. I personally get annoyed seeing people put that. To me it will ALWAYS be Merry Christmas and nothing else!
knotty man's Avatar
i always believed the X was a derivation or representation of the crucifix. originally meant to look like a t or a + but over the years bacame somewhat slanted. but, which was meant to represent Christ.
nuglet's Avatar
I think it's slang... X kinds sounds like Cross =Christ... dunno. I think you're probably right. Just like now days "nite", and "night" are both accepted forms. No biggie folks. Don't read anything into it. It's the thought that someone would even offer Seasons Greetings that belays any attempt to scoff at it. It's nicer than "FUCK YOU" I hate Christmas.. That has nothing to do with religion,, and neither does this BUYING holiday.
cheater's Avatar
I only do it when I'm texting. Ladiesfan I want to do yr avatar. Merry xmas. Buddy! Kick goes the box.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
The "X" comes from the Greek letter Chi,which is the first letter of the Greek word Xpiotoc,, translated as ""Christ"
The usage of the X used in this manner can be dated back as far as 1485
unagi's Avatar
  • unagi
  • 12-21-2010, 02:59 PM
All these Bill O'Reilly types thinking Xmas is part of the "war on Christmas." X has been used as a symbol for Christ in English as far back as 1485:


It has nothing to do with trying to remove religion from the holiday.
in my opinion Xmas has been so Commercialized the past 30 years it sucks!!... all you hear about is fuking retailers bottom line!

Valentines Day
Mothers Day

have all gone to SHIT, why the fuk do I need to buy a diamond to say I love you to my wife, SO, GF etc???( if I had one)

isn't an I LOVE YOU good enough?
LadiesFan's Avatar
The "X" comes from the Greek letter Chi,which is the first letter of the Greek word Xpiotoc,, translated as ""Christ"
The usage of the X used in this manner can be dated back as far as 1485 Originally Posted by VictoriaLyn
I learned something new today.. thanks for the info Vicky

All these Bill O'Reilly types thinking Xmas is part of the "war on Christmas." X has been used as a symbol for Christ in English as far back as 1485:


It has nothing to do with trying to remove religion from the holiday. Originally Posted by unagi
I'm not a fan of Bill O'Reilly... but thanks for the info.

DallasRain's Avatar
great thread!!!! Christmas is too commercialized!
unagi's Avatar
  • unagi
  • 12-21-2010, 04:45 PM
Ladiesfan: My apologies. I wasn't trying to disparage you. I wasn't referring to you when I wrote that. I did not mean to insult you for your valid and reasonable question.

I meant that O'Reilly, Beck, Fox News et. al. use the term "Xmas" and minor news items to trump up this "war on Christmas" trope every year.