Clinton's Ex-Sec'y of Defense Argued for Us to Attack North Korea Back in 2006

lustylad's Avatar
William Perry was one of the architects of the failed Agreed Framework signed in 1994. Twelve years later, he wrote this WaPo article, along with Ashton Carter who worked with him and later ran the DOD under Obama.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Of course NK was not a nuclear power then. Clinton helped make it happen. An attack on Kim now could be very costly for everyone but the cost of not attacking may cost more in the long run.
Of course NK was not a nuclear power then. Clinton helped make it happen. An attack on Kim now could be very costly for everyone but the cost of not attacking may cost more in the long run. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
I agree. LETS attack now, before they GET the bomb and marr it to a missile.. NOT after.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-03-2017, 05:26 PM
Good fuckers act as if the whole world would back an unprovoked attack on NK. that China would just sit willy nilly. That South Korea would love for us to do that because there would be no blowback on them and out troops in SK.... Trade war with China and SK and a war with NK. That should be interesting.
William Perry was one of the architects of the failed Agreed Framework signed in 1994. Twelve years later, he wrote this WaPo article, along with Ashton Carter who worked with him and later ran the DOD under Obama. Originally Posted by lustylad
W didn't heed that advice, right? No, I don't blame him for not acting on it in 2006 since the irreparable damage had already been inflicted upon us back in early 2003 while he concentrated all his fire powers on Saddam instead of North Korea.
Good fuckers act as if the whole world would back an unprovoked attack on NK. that China would just sit willy nilly. That South Korea would love for us to do that because there would be no blowback on them and out troops in SK.... Trade war with China and SK and a war with NK. That should be interesting. Originally Posted by WTF
Why do anything? History has taught us that if just let Dictators and Leaders of Thugocracies do what they will, there will be no future repercussions.

We need to understand that repressive regimes such as North Korea are not bad, just different.
bamscram's Avatar
War ? Really you want war? Talk about not learning from history.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
All the talk about Nazis and fascism...if only the French or British had acted in 1936 when Hitler violated the Versailles Treaty.

The Treaty of Versailles was so hated by the German populace so that Hitler was able to make the most of that national resentment by painting the Weimar Republic as the "traitorous" government that caused all the economic miseries of the German people by capitulating to the unjust demands of the victors. Hitler even made no secret of his utter contempt towards that Treaty. So if people were stupid enough not to see the writing on the wall, it's on them.

BTW, Dubya is the one who tore the Agreed Framework apart, so he should have known what's forthcoming and should have the fucking balls to deal with it.