Corsets ft worth

Corsets came up in a conversation I was having with Logan. Did this ever turn back into a strip club after bucks bought them? Or are they still a bikini bar? And what type of clientele and dancers do they have?
They are a full strip club, mixed girls, kind of blue collar-like. Didn't know Bucks had them
Hobby Jon's Avatar
Can confirm Buck ownership. Talked to some people on the business side who I know from BFW.
CowboyDave's Avatar
Haven't been to Corsets in years. It's close to me so thanks for the intel. I'll have to check it out again.
HickDead's Avatar
Can confirm Buck ownership. Talked to some people on the business side who I know from BFW. Originally Posted by Hobby Jon

Actually back in early 2018 Bucks had sold this club to a small group of investors including one being a local MMA fighter, a close friend of mine knows him personally & he told me. Bucks got out at the right time because later that year there was a deadly shooting there.
CellarDweller's Avatar
Corsets came up in a conversation I was having with Logan. Did this ever turn back into a strip club after bucks bought them? Or are they still a bikini bar? And what type of clientele and dancers do they have? Originally Posted by oldbutstillgoing
Logan! Have not seen him around Eccoe in a good while, I learned much from him
mtabsw's Avatar
Logan. Damn. When the clubs reopen, tell him I'll buy him lunch, drinks and a lap dance. I don't know any other member here who made me laugh so hard, so often. Under all the humor was a lot of truth as well.

For anyone who's been asleep the last few years, Logan, as far as I know, invented the term "Don" for bareback willing sluts.
Bushjumper's Avatar
Logan. Damn. When the clubs reopen, tell him I'll buy him lunch, drinks and a lap dance. I don't know any other member here who made me laugh so hard, so often. Under all the humor was a lot of truth as well.

For anyone who's been asleep the last few years, Logan, as far as I know, invented the term "Don" for bareback willing sluts. Originally Posted by mtabsw
The Logan is a genius of hobbying philosophical thought. Cloaked in houmour. Usually I didn't catch the truth of his wisdom at first as my eyes were teared over with laughter!
Ghostrider's Avatar
The Logan is a genius of hobbying philosophical thought. Cloaked in houmour. Usually I didn't catch the truth of his wisdom at first as my eyes were teared over with laughter! Originally Posted by Bushjumper
Shep3.0's Avatar
Corsets is a urban club. Some of the roughest crowds of Ft Worth hang there.
I will pass on all your love to Logan next time I talk to him :-) I knew about the MMA fighter owning the club but thought he had sold it back to Bucks after the shooting. Shep, is that current? I know a bartender who went to work there just before everything shut down and she swore it was ok.