Ever Had a Snore Job?

Lana Warren's Avatar
This is probably one of the strangest threads that I have every started and probably the funniest!

I had a date with a so called friend/hobbyist Saturday night! When I say "friend", I mean someone that I have grown fond of and not just a date! Well, sometime after all of our fun that night, we fell asleep, woke up and had a little more fun before he had to head out to the airport!

He sends me a message later on Sunday night and apparently he said my snoring drove him up the wall and any future plans were put on hold! I laughed so hard until I thought I was going to cry! Mind you, I know that I snore when I'm extremely tired or when I've had a little too much to drink! Hell at my age, who doesn't? I was in chat last night and of course all the regular chatters had to put their digs in about a snore job!

Ok, now that you are through laughing, I'm curious to know what little quirks have you run across with your SO, provider, or hobbyist that drove you up the wall?

Oh, btw.......he did say I was still his ATF!
CajunBred's Avatar
I saw a provider that everytime she laughed she snorted something serious. To take this a little further, I dated this one girl (not an escort) and she farted when she laughed sometimes. I always figured it was because I was funny as shit.
Was that a BBSJ or a CSJ?
LMAO you couldn't resists eh Lana? hehe
cowboyup3396's Avatar
Be sure to add that particular activity to your ShowCase Lana, LOL!!!
I had a SO start snoring while he was DATY. Does that count??
I used to see a provider that would not only snore but would literally crawl all over the bed when we tried to sleep together as we were beyond the P4P side of things. That just drove me nuts because I am not one to move a whole lot when I sleep and I wake easily. She was pretty violent in her motion around the bed which resulted in me being hit more than a few times by her head, arms and feet.

Now I laugh at that although at the time, it really bugged me.
Jacrny2000's Avatar
Not exactly snoring but close.
Spent the night with FWB years ago. Awoke to a large wet spot.
But not "down there" like you might think. (At that point we might have thought we may have had an incontience issue going on)

No the wet spot was up by her head. Yup this girl is a drooler.
When she fell asleep, she drooled. And not just a little. Dang near had to put a trash bag down (or put the shower curtain on the bed, but thats a whole 'nuther story!)
TexasJay's Avatar
That to funny Lana, I wouldn't mind; I might snore more than you.
Who cares anyway, if I did wake up we can just some more fun. Its always great in the middle of the night or first thing in the morning.
So, You give good snore... LOL!

Hell, too many quirks to even name anymore...

I snore when I'm really tired and since I only do overnights 95% of the time I end up playing late and then I am tired and therefore snore. Does that make sense? Anyway, I always bring earplugs for my companion. If she wants to wear them. it's fine with me. At least I always offer.
I had lady fall asleep after daty, almost instantly. She started snoring before I had even crawled up next to her, I let her sleep for about an hour while I watched TV. When she finally woke up she said she cam so hard and was so relaxed. She said it was and OIC- orgasm induced coma!
cowboyup3396's Avatar
Had one today Lana, your the BEST!!! Thanks Lana, LOL
Lana Warren's Avatar
Had one today Lana, your the BEST!!! Thanks Lana, LOL Originally Posted by cowboyup3396
Like that, huh? LOL!
Humblestud's Avatar
There are objects that can be inserted into the mouth to adjust the soft palette. A little snore vibration might not be a bad thing then.

Just sayin'