.......Vulva Perfume........ ????

Guest100610-2's Avatar
I saw this on the news and I started laughing. Maybe it works, Maybe it doesn't. The things people come up with make me laugh !!

A new scent claims to accurately capture the “the vaginal scent of a beautiful woman.”
Vulva Original bills itself not as a perfume, but an erotic feminine scent designed to offer pleasure and arousal by smelling it.
It is not clear what compromises the concoction but it is advertised as being a “slightly yellow, desirable substance” that contains “more organic content.”
Users are urged to apply it to certain areas of the body via a roll-on applicator.
The product, apparently available only online via its official Web site, sells for about $33.

The site is peppered with provocative photos and opens with a video depicting a woman working out on a stationary exercise bike.


What do you ladies and gents think of this?
Please don't do anything to ruin your natural sexxxy scent!!!!
Traveler64's Avatar
LMAO - everyone should click on the "Vulva MANIAC" button in the lower right corner of the page you get to after selecting your language of choice. Good for a chuckle.

Without even commenting on the product, the site & marketing are well done. I bet this generates sales like most other 'sex related' products.
Guest100610-2's Avatar
Please don't do anything to ruin your natural sexxxy scent!!!! Originally Posted by angusranch

Im not lol...... I would never buy this stuff....... I think its funny though!
playaplaya's Avatar
This reminds me of the video of the hunter that got attacked by the deer. Apparently he had doused himself with deer fermones to attract the buck, but when the buck showed up he wasn't ready to play.

If this stuff triggers some male primordial instinct to respond, then I'd get a bottle of the stuff and go to town with it. That would be loads of fun!
This reminds me of the video of the hunter that got attacked by the deer. Apparently he had doused himself with deer fermones to attract the buck, but when the buck showed up he wasn't ready to play. Originally Posted by playaplaya
bigmarv's Avatar
There's nothing like the smell and taste of the real thing to get me hard.
berkleigh's Avatar
Ohhh eemmm ggeee...lmao...
yaddayadda's Avatar
OMG! Can Penis aftershave be too far away?
Oh hell, Semen ea de toilette?


RealBeer285's Avatar
Oh hell, Semen ea de toilette?


ItalianaPrincess Originally Posted by ItalianaPrincess

For when you need a facial, NOW.
Torito's Avatar
With pussy perfume I would be afraid of what stink she might be trying to hide.

Forget DATY.

Fast Gunn's Avatar
I think that is a very bad idea.

Come to think of it, I thought the "Pet Rock" idea was a very bad idea too.

Today, I still think the pet rock was a dumb idea, but it made money nonetheless so one never really knows what goofy idea will sell in the marketplace regardless of it's merit or lack thereof.

People can be an unpredictable lot!
wackatronic's Avatar
For the guy who doesn't partake of the shower AFTER the fun....

Dude! you smell like a puss!
Spaulding Smails's Avatar
As if thinking about sex every 7 seconds wasn't enough.....