Gov. Scott Walker & Mazo

With the petition now circulating to oust Gov. Scott Walker, I thought we would get some inside info on how it was going from Mazo. But nothing. Come to think of it, nothing has been heard from the Mazo front for some time.

Anyone have any insight??
With the petition now circulating to oust Gov. Scott Walker................Anyone have any insight?? Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Yep, Scott Walker is a puppet whose strings are being pulled by Far Right Wing Extremists.

Anything else you want to know?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Scott Walker is a statesman trying to hold back the tide of tyranny sweeping across the country.
Scott Walker is a statesman trying to hold back the tide of tyranny sweeping across the country. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
So that is what you call when you're selling your soul to the highest bidder!

I get it now!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Who was bidding? How much did they pay? Or is it only liberals who are honorable? You say he's bought and paid for, so let's see some proof.
You say he's bought and paid for, so let's see some proof. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
How about the Koch Brothers, for starters?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
That's an opinion piece, no real hard facts. That guy runs his mouth and repeats conjecture as bad as Glenn Beck.

But we can talk about politicians being owned by the Koch Brothers, as long as we also include those owned by George Soros. Or, again, is it only the non-liberals who repay contributors through legislation?
That's an opinion piece, no real hard facts. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
What 'chu talkin' bout, Willis?

What better way is there to determine who has been "bought and paid for" than to follow the money trail? I did not realize that being the 4th largest contributor to Walker's campaign was just "an opinion piece" and fails to qualify as a "real hard fact."

Do you also believe in the tooth fairy?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Then President Obama is a pawn of Wall Street, by that reasoning. Oops, I guess he is.
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  • 11-29-2011, 06:30 AM
You were the one who said he was ...

Scott Walker is a statesman trying to hold back the tide of tyranny sweeping across the country. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
why do you think this? Why do you think him such a statesman and not just another bought politician?

In other words...why when they do as you want they are pure statesmen?

They are all bought and paid for, that is the system we have.

Some are bought by big business and some are bought for by labor.

Who are you for?

That will determine who you think the statesman.
COG has a speech impediment. He speaks out of both sides of his mouth! The sad part is that he is highly critical of Marshy for doing the same thing he is guilty of doing.

Kinda like the blind leading the blind. Isn't it?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
WTF, I was trying to be funny. Of course Walker is bought and paid for, but what I find offensive is that only non liberal politicians are corrupt, when in fact the vast majority are bought and paid for. My point is that if Walker is owned by the Kochs (which makes me wonder why his top three contributors support him when Koch only gets the power) then what about liberals owned by Soros, the trial lawyers, Wall Street and the Unions? You can't criticize Walker for taking donations unless you apply the same standard to all politicians.

You guys don't get it, do you?

I'm critical of Arshole for the same reason I am critical of you, you apply a different standard based on your ideology. It's no different to call Koch to get marching orders than to call Soros.

I really know nothing of Scott Walker, except he stood up to the public sector unions, which I approve of. Sometimes Democrats and Republicans will accidentally do something good for the country, but it is not by design. So while he may have made one or two good decisions, overall it is likely that he is a pawn of the right, but there are also pawns of the left. The current system is only about power, not about the people. If you think any of these clowns have your best interest at heart, you will be gravely disappointed.
I really know nothing of Scott Walker, except he stood up to the public sector unions, which I approve of. If you think any of these clowns have your best interest at heart, you will be gravely disappointed. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
This is what you call a flip flopper! You might have passed Marshy on the speaking out of both sides of your mouth scale! LOL

In post #3 COG said "Scott Walker is a statesman trying to hold back the tide of tyranny sweeping across the country." (His words not mine) Fast forward to post #12 (after COG had been proven wrong) he reluctantly admits that he "really know(s) nothing" of Scott Walker but "if you think any of these clowns have your best interest at heart, you will be gravely disappointed." (Once again, his words not mine)

Which one is it COG, is Walker a true American statesman or just another "clown, (who does not) have your best interest at heart?"

COG, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but you are the one looking like a "clown!"
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-29-2011, 07:14 AM
WTF, I was trying to be funny. Of course Walker is bought and paid for, but what I find offensive is that only non liberal politicians are corrupt, when in fact the vast majority are bought and paid for. . Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
They are all bought and paid for, that is the system we have.

. Originally Posted by WTF
What part of that did you not understand?

I realize that they are all bought and paid for.

Arnold in Cali wasn't but see just WTF he ran into to.

You want to give power to the people but the people are so ignorant as to buy things and not pay for it, they want pensions but they do not want to fund it....that is what is happening in this country...the bought and paid for politicians are giving the people exactly wtf they want.
With the petition now circulating to oust Gov. Scott Walker, I thought we would get some inside info on how it was going from Mazo. But nothing. Come to think of it, nothing has been heard from the Mazo front for some time.

Anyone have any insight??

charlestupor2005, Mazo left this board for good because he continually lost in debate to me....he was emotionally fragile and couldn't stand the repeated humiliations......luckily for us, you bear such humiliations gladly!

BTW: I thought you were going to leave this board permanently....that's what you said.....I guess your word aint worth spit......