Ted Cruz on Every corner in Texas!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
NYT columnist Gail Collins nails it with this one.

Cruz may be the best in show, but He's just one of shitload of crazy fuckers in Congress sent there by the dipshits of my state. NOTE: I didn't. One for any if these people. Nor do I associate with the crazy goobers who did.

But if you want to find a lunatic in public office, just come on down to the Lone Star State, where men are men and, well, you know the rest...


A Ted Cruz on Every Corner
Published: October 18, 2013

Have you noticed how many lawmakers from Texas were doing crazy things during the government shutdown debacle?

Texans Stick With Cruz Despite Defeat in Washington (October 19, 2013)

We need to discuss this as a matter of simple justice. These days, when you say “Texas” in the context of heavy-breathing Republican extremism, everybody immediately thinks of Senator Ted Cruz. Which is really unfair when there are so many other members of the state delegation trying to do their part.

I am thinking, for instance, of Representative Randy Neugebauer, who harangued an innocent park ranger about a shutdown-shuttered war memorial, insisting that the ranger and her colleagues should be “ashamed of themselves.”

Or Representative Louie Gohmert, who created a mild diversion when he charged that John McCain, an opponent of the shutdown, “supported Al Qaeda” in Syria. (McCain said that he did not take offense because “if someone has no intelligence, I don’t view it as being a malicious statement.”)

Or Representative Steve Stockman, who accused the president and House Democrats of “curb-stomping veterans.”

Or Representative John Culberson, who cried “Let’s roll!” in an apparent belief that shutting down the government was equivalent to resisting 9/11 terrorists.

Or Representative Pete Sessions, who summed things up rather neatly with: “We’re not French. We don’t surrender.”

See? Share the credit.

The nation keeps searching for signs of a resurgent political center, but there aren’t many hopeful peeps coming out of Texas. The pragmatic Texas Republican establishment is pretty much on its back, hyperventilating.

The old center-right standard-bearer, Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, is desperately trying to wipe out his reputation as a mainstream politician while he runs for re-election.

“I don’t know about you, but Barack Obama ought to be impeached,” he told a Tea Party gathering recently, with more fervor for the cause than for grammatical construction.

Texas Democrats, who haven’t won a statewide race in a generation, spent the last decade whimpering and waiting around for all the Hispanic children to grow up and start voting. However, this year, they have an exciting candidate for governor: Wendy Davis, the state senator who starred in that famous 11-hour filibuster against anti-abortion legislation this past summer.

Some people think Davis, who is canny, energetic and attractive, might actually have a chance to win. But anybody who could just raise money and get 45 percent of the vote would be the party’s biggest star since Ann Richards.

Davis’s opponent will probably be the state’s attorney general, Greg Abbott, who has already amassed enough cash to buy Nebraska. Abbott once provided supporters with his vision of the attorney general’s duties: “I go into the office, I sue the federal government, and then I go home.”

So there’s that.

Even the bottom of the ticket is going to have little sparks of strange. Next year, the race for Texas land commissioner will feature a new-generation Bush, Jeb’s son George P. The singer Kinky Friedman says he’s running for the Democratic nomination for agriculture commissioner on a legalize-marijuana platform. The rest of us will just sit here and mull the fact that Texans feel the need to make these jobs elective.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Gov. Rick Perry appears to be planning to run for president again. And since Ted Cruz is pretty clearly planning a run, too, there could be two Texans in the Republican primary debates. Maybe an all-Texas ticket!

While Cruz has been trying to win the hearts of American voters by spreading fear, terror and economic chaos, Perry has been wandering around the country, criticizing other states for their high taxes and bragging about job growth in Texas.

Economic development has, indeed, been impressive, thanks mainly to the state’s plentiful land and cheap housing. On the downside, a large part of Texas seems to be running out of water. Once the presidential debates kick off, perhaps Perry’s opponents could lift their water glasses and make sloshing sounds every time he talks about growth. Ross Ramsey, a columnist for The Texas Tribune, suggested the governor’s critics might carry bags of gravel to remind the world that Texas’ undermaintained roads have deteriorated to such an extent that the highway department has let some of them revert from pavement to pebbles.

This week, Perry’s in Israel, burnishing his foreign affairs credentials and promoting the Texas economy. Do not expect a critique of the Israeli tax code.

In Texas, there’s so much craziness, it’s hard for a normal crazy to get attention. Imagine an election year with both Perry and Cruz on television every night. To get any airtime, the Texas guys in the House of Representatives would have to call for impeachment while bungee jumping. While waving “Secede!” signs. While carrying unconcealed weapons.

Remember the Alamo.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-23-2013, 09:20 AM
Joe Barton,John Carter, John Culberson, Louis Gohmert, Kenny Marchant, Randy Neugebauer and Ted Poe were elected because they ran on 3 platforms... Birther babble, Anti Fag activists, or religious bible banging Baptist bullshit... Rafael ain't alone. .. I'd mention Nigger Head Perry but he's on his way to sell bulldozers ..

This one is particularly good...

LexusLover's Avatar
NYT columnist Gail Collins nails it with this one.

Remember the Alamo. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
So where did "cut and paste" end and "shit from brain" begin?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-23-2013, 10:50 AM
So where did "cut and paste" end and "shit from brain" begin? Originally Posted by LexusLover

the second you started typing
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So where did "cut and paste" end and "shit from brain" begin? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Are you incapable of reading the post, dickweed?

I try to give my take before I paste the article AND link.

Unlike others, I believe in fully attributing my threads.
Randy4Candy's Avatar

McCain said that he did not take offense because “if someone has no intelligence, I don’t view it as being a malicious statement.”

Remember the Alamo (was a few rich guys' land grab). Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
HAW! HAW! HAW! Even McCain has nailed the sum and substance of all Teawipe ArseWhole Geniuses....hee hee hee!
LexusLover's Avatar
the second you started typing Originally Posted by CJ7
When I spew shit its to accommodate you, only. Otherwise I don't.
LexusLover's Avatar
Are you incapable of reading the post, .... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
no. but you cant read the front of a drug store sign. ONLY IN AUSTIN! LMAO.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
no. but you cant read the front of a drug store sign. ONLY IN AUSTIN! LMAO. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Still smarting cause I handed you your smug, lying ass on Nau's?

Get over it. Argue with THEM!

chefnerd's Avatar
All this become quite clear once you understand the true meaning of some of the phrases used in Politicspeak. Below is an excerpt from a book by Mike Lofgren titled

"The Party Is Over: How Republicans Went Crazy, Democrats Became Useless and the Middle Class Got Shafted".

Lofgren spent twenty-eight years in Washington as a Republican Committee Staff member, first with Mike Kasisch on the House Armed Services Committee and the House Budget Committee, then with Judd Gregg on the Senate Budget Committee.

Lee, Bernays, and Gingrich have all had a lasting impact on the political use of language in America. If you seek monuments to their accomplishments, you have to look no further than your daily paper or television news program. It is to them that we owe stories about "collateral damage" rather than "dead civilians." In that spirit, allow me to offer up my own devil's dictionary of contemporary American political terms.

American exceptionalism: a doctrine whose proponents hold that by divine dispensation America is exempt from all laws governing international norms, physics, or rationality.

Authentic: used to describe a candidate who is unaware of current events and doesn't read a newspaper, and is proud of it.

Class warfare: a technique by which teachers, nurses, firemen, and cashiers are believed to be oppressing derivatives traders and CEOs, which includes unreasonably complaining that their wages aren't keeping up with the cost of their health insurance.

Conservative: a person profoundly respectful of heritage, tradition, and old-fashioned values while preaching the revolution and strip-mining the Grand Canyon for high-sulfur coal.

Darwin's theory of evolution: an evil doctrine that denies the teachings of the Bible. Social Darwinism, on the other hand, is what made America great and is perfectly consistent with the Sermon on the Mount.

Elites: insufferable, overeducated snobs who are not real Ameri*cans and may in fact be French. Mitt Romney (Harvard MBA and JD) and George W. Bush (Yale, Harvard) have often criticized such scoundrels.

Empower: If an American worker loses his pension or Social Security, he is empowered.

Free-market capitalism: the economic system by which Halliburton gets sole-source, cost-plus government contracts.

Global warming: a hoax perpetrated by a worldwide conspiracy of biased scientists. Fortunately it is being combated by right-wing foundations, oil companies, televangelists, and other disinterested believers in objective fact.

Job creators: the truly creative engines of economic growth in our society: real-estate flippers, mortgage-backed securities bundlers, leveraged buyout specialists, dividend drawers, and hedge-fund billionaires.

Level playing field: what every lobbyist wants in the spirit of fairness. The only way to achieve it is by bribing politicians to award a sole-source contract to his client.

Liberal (pronounced librull): a satanic ideologue who is at once a socialist leveler, an elitist defender of privilege, an atheist, and a secret Muslim determined to bring sharia law to America.

Patriot: someone who loves America more than he loves the majority of the people living therein.

Populist: an advocate for the interests of "real" Americans who vehemently fights for the abolition of all government regulation of Wall Street investment banks.

Prolife: the unconditional support of the first nine months of a human being's existence. After that period has expired, the same human being has an unconditional right to be executed by the state, sent off to war, or die without health insurance.

Real Americans: the minority of Americans who look, think, and act exactly as I do.

Rogue state: a country that violates international law by com*mitting armed aggression, torturing prisoners, assassinating opponents, and possessing weapons of mass destruction. cf: american exceptionalism

Sharia law: a fundamentalist religious doctrine imposed on a given political jurisdiction. Any resemblance to public statutes on abortion in the Commonwealth of Virginia is purely coincidental.

Take our country back: Give us what we want right now, even if we don't know what it is.

Tea Party: people covered by Medicare who hate socialized medicine.

Washington spending: the bad sort of spending that doesn't go toward earmarks to campaign contributors, subsidies to big oil, or the military's half-trillion-dollar budget. Everyone knows the Pentagon is across the Potomac in Virginia, not in Washington.

Win-win situation: see level playing field.

LexusLover's Avatar
Still smarting cause I handed you your smug, lying ass on Nau's? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Twerp, do you really believe if you keep repeating it ... it will be true?

You mean Nau's ENFIELD Drug .... on West Lynn that claims to have been in Clarksville?

Do you mean that Nau's ENFIELD Drug Store ... YOU claim is in Clarksville?

Of course ... you signed up and have been vetted for insurance ...

... approved, lock, stock, barrel ....

Did you get the word while bonding with the folks in Clarksville, who dine at ...

Nau's ENFIELD Drug Store on West Lynn?

YR ... you are lame joke.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
All this become quite clear once you understand the true meaning of some of the phrases used in Politicspeak. Below is an excerpt from a book by Mike Lofgren titled

"The Party Is Over: How Republicans Went Crazy, Democrats Became Useless and the Middle Class Got Shafted".

Lofgren spent twenty-eight years in Washington as a Republican Committee Staff member, first with Mike Kasisch on the House Armed Services Committee and the House Budget Committee, then with Judd Gregg on the Senate Budget Committee.

Lee, Bernays, and Gingrich have all had a lasting impact on the political use of language in America. If you seek monuments to their accomplishments, you have to look no further than your daily paper or television news program. It is to them that we owe stories about "collateral damage" rather than "dead civilians." In that spirit, allow me to offer up my own devil's dictionary of contempo*rary American political terms.

American exceptionalism: a doctrine whose proponents hold that by divine dispensation America is exempt from all laws gov*erning international norms, physics, or rationality.

Authentic: used to describe a candidate who is unaware of current events and doesn't read a newspaper, and is proud of it.

Class warfare: a technique by which teachers, nurses, firemen, and cashiers are believed to be oppressing derivatives traders and CEOs, which includes unreasonably complaining that their wages aren't keeping up with the cost of their health insurance.

Conservative: a person profoundly respectful of heritage, tradition, and old-fashioned values while preaching the revolution and strip-mining the Grand Canyon for high-sulfur coal.

Darwin's theory of evolution: an evil doctrine that denies the teachings of the Bible. Social Darwinism, on the other hand, is what made America great and is perfectly consistent with the Sermon on the Mount.

Elites: insufferable, overeducated snobs who are not real Ameri*cans and may in fact be French. Mitt Romney (Harvard MBA and JD) and George W. Bush (Yale, Harvard) have often criti*cized such scoundrels.

Empower: If an American worker loses his pension or Social Se*curity, he is empowered.

Free-market capitalism: the economic system by which Halli*burton gets sole-source, cost-plus government contracts.

Global warming: a hoax perpetrated by a worldwide conspiracy of biased scientists. Fortunately it is being combated by right-wing foundations, oil companies, televangelists, and other disin*terested believers in objective fact.

Job creators: the truly creative engines of economic growth in our society: real-estate flippers, mortgage-backed securities bundlers, leveraged buyout specialists, dividend drawers, and hedge-fund billionaires.

Level playing field: what every lobbyist wants in the spirit of fairness. The only way to achieve it is by bribing politicians to award a sole-source contract to his client.

Liberal (pronounced librull): a satanic ideologue who is at once a socialist leveler, an elitist defender of privilege, an atheist, and a secret Muslim determined to bring sharia law to America.

Patriot: someone who loves America more than he loves the ma*jority of the people living therein.

Populist: an advocate for the interests of "real" Americans who vehemently fights for the abolition of all government regulation of Wall Street investment banks.

Prolife: the unconditional support of the first nine months of a human being's existence. After that period has expired, the same human being has an unconditional right to be executed by the state, sent off to war, or die without health insurance.

Real Americans: the minority of Americans who look, think, and act exactly as I do.

Rogue state: a country that violates international law by com*mitting armed aggression, torturing prisoners, assassinating opponents, and possessing weapons of mass destruction. cf: american exceptionalism

Sharia law: a fundamentalist religious doctrine imposed on a given political jurisdiction. Any resemblance to public statutes on abortion in the Commonwealth of Virginia is purely coincidental.

Take our country back: Give us what we want right now, even if we don't know what it is.

Tea Party: people covered by Medicare who hate socialized medicine.

Washington spending: the bad sort of spending that doesn't go toward earmarks to campaign contributors, subsidies to big oil, or the military's half-trillion-dollar budget. Everyone knows the Pentagon is across the Potomac in Virginia, not in Washington.

Win-win situation: see level playing field.

http://truth-out.org/opinion/item/10...ils-dictionary Originally Posted by chefnerd

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Single thread bump. Originally Posted by TryWeakly
Fuck you! Go away.

Now this is happening... AGAIN!!!