Underage girls forced into the sex trade

Beagle's Avatar
Crackdown on teen trafficking:

Forced into the trade:

Has anyone had personal encounter with any of the above issues? I've not seen it myself. Underaged girls and human trafficking are always used as avenues of attack on the trade.

If I was aware of such occurrences, I would not hesitate to alert the authorities.
There was a story here in Austin not too long ago about APD busting an underage girl from mexico or one fo the border towns that was a runaway if i remember right. With the number of girls that post here and other sites i don't think it's a huge part of the landscape but it is a part.

Maybe one day we will throw off our victorian chains so that we can legalize and regulate the oldest profession in history. Now i don't think it would eliminate the problem but i do believe it will help bring down the demand.
Chocolatedaddy's Avatar
Unfortunately I have seen underage prostitution and young girls "forced" into prostitution. In my travels to countries such as Mexico, Philipines, Malaysia, France, Dom. Rep, and a few of the south american countries.. In these countries the fact that the girls are under 18 doesn't mean much, we forget, that our American society has different values and laws than most other countries.

Not to say that I think its ok by anymeans.. But I have heard from women first hand in monterrey mexico, that they make more money prostituting than they would if they worked a 9-5, even with a pimp!

On another personal note, I had a commanding officer in the phillipines who was seen with 2 prossy's who were noticebly conU.S. Age... But.. Noone ever said anything and nothing ever came of it. I would venture to say more men like "younger" (illegal) by US standards than would openly ever say.. It is a shame when these girls are forced into the life..
Here's a prime example of one such case that deserves this community's support.

