
marco2007's Avatar
Has anyone tried out the site that advertises at the top of the page,

I've had very limited success on a couple of other sugar baby sites and thought I might try them out if anyone has good things to report.
shorty's Avatar
Depending on what your looking for, I would research some of the providers and possibly approach one or two of them about an arrangement.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Oh geez! Are you on the hunt for some free pussy? Well let me tell you, it comes with a bigger price! You're better off sticking with eccie and paying one of these lovely ladies by the hour.
^I've been on sugar daddy websites and have never met so many time wasters in my life. I don't know how the women are, but the men make it hard for the sincere females to stay on there for very long! I would also suggest looking for a provider near you who'd consider being a sugar baby.
  • LynnT
  • 05-14-2011, 07:53 PM
I heard is was a lot of time wasting as well..
Naomi4u's Avatar
I've had luck on sugardaddy sites. A lot of escort don't understand the concept.
I'm on there!!
elgato111's Avatar
These type of sites a big waste of time. The girls are usually flaky and just trolling for something for them and not us. Save your money guys, easier on the mind and pocketbook in the long term.
I've never heard of anything like this. Someone explain it to me.
I'm not on that one but I am on one of them. Had a good experience ONCE in a year and a half lol. The men tend to be cheap timewasters.
I'm on one of the sites and YES it does work..sometimes.
marco2007's Avatar
It's interesting to hear that the ladies consider the men on the sites to be time wasters. I've found pretty much the same about the women. A couple of other things I've noticed is that many of the people listed on the sites haven't been active for a long time. There are usually just a handfull that are active and by the time you sort out the ones the meet your criteria and vise versa, you're lucky if one or two are left to pursue.