Banned again!!!!!!!!

Sweet N Little's Avatar
Really eccie??????
So my good friend London rayne gets banned again, & the worst part is ....while she is in Arkansas,
Really ??? !!! Not good
I just went back and read all of London's posts since she returned from her last "vacation" - I don't see anything that could even remotely be considered objectionable - must be some kind of "double-secret probation"!?!?

Sweet N Little's Avatar
[B]Stupid arkansas men that will never....,(I will leave it at that)
hmmmmm...... same mod that runs Oklahoma?
^what the fark!
Abe Normal's Avatar
I don't know what I'm gonna do about that woman. Spanking doesn't seem to help, LOL
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Well she could have said something in the PR as well....
pyramider's Avatar
Or she violated a directive from the higher ups.
Naomi4u's Avatar
I know why she got banned and yall are way off . I'll keep my comments to myself regarding the matter..
  • MrGiz
  • 05-15-2011, 03:23 PM
I know why she got banned and yall are way off . I'll keep my comments to myself regarding the matter.. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Well.... aren't YOU special !!!! * *

I have no problem with London, I like her posts, even when she goes full blondetard.

I would venture to say that some of the mods are fond of her. She is a fun girl.

If she is repeatedly banned, she is doing something she shouldn't be doing, and even IF- BIG IF- - a mod wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt, obviously she is crossing a line.

Plus, I think she likes being banned, Just like she secretly enjoys oversized penises. Hahaha
Omahan's Avatar
Really eccie??????
So my good friend London rayne gets banned again, & the worst part is ....while she is in Arkansas,
Really ??? !!! Not good Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
If she is such a good friend of yours I suppose you talked to her and know why she was banned. Why don't you share it with us? If you don't know then I suggest you talk to her rather than taking shots at the mods without any basis (facts).
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Starting a thread about someone being banned and not allowing others access to the full reasons to why she was banned is kinda pointless in my opinion.

I like London as well. She shoots straight (as far as I know) and she has a great POV most of the time.

Also it's my understanding that banning is based on points therefore it's not a "single" reason that she is banned it's a compilation of reasons. I've said this before, I've been on this particular site for well over a year and have yet to recieve a single point. It's not that hard to follow the rules. I don't even work at it. I havn't even read the rules so obviously it isn't that
Naomi4u's Avatar
Another London thread gone wrong eh? Anyways, SNL if you wanna chat feel free to call my love. Ignore the negativity. Hopefully Chica will close this thread soon. :-)
Another London thread gone wrong eh? Anyways, SNL if you wanna chat feel free to call my love. Ignore the negativity. Hopefully Chica will close this thread soon. :-) Originally Posted by Naomi4u
I see ZERO negativity in this thread. Other than the OP toward the site.

EA hit the nail on the head -- What is the purpose of this thread?