Email Passwords

I just thought I'd post a little note about emails.

Recently I've been getting a lot of emails "sent" by my clients or other providers and even by a MOD. Its been spam....links to viruses, etc.

Please.....change your passwords often so this doesn't happen.

I know I'm not the only one this has happened to. Gotta love hackers, they have way too much time on their hands.
Those are sent out based on address book, it isn't hackers. The sender clicked something nasty and now everyone in their address book gets the same thing. They often do NOT know it is happening. Email the person from whom you have been receiving the emails with the nasty links and have them delete you from their address book.
Yes for the past few weeks I have been getting lot's of spam from clients. Mostly some online gambling. I just delete them.
Did I give the right advice? I thought I did. But then again, I'm not a computer geek and have no desire to learn the ins and outs of the computer world.