BNG Quick Shops

vtxghost's Avatar
I had a dream this morning that was interesting. As I planned for my busy day I notice that I will have roughly 15 to 20 minutes available free time throughout the entire day. What would be really nice is if I could stop somewhere conveniently and get a quick blow and go. With this idea I thought of creating a bunch of BNG fast service shops. Kind of like fast food. There would be a courteous and knowledgeable staff on site for extended business hours that could perform these type of services. We could even put a cash register in the front. And ladies, no haggling. A customer could just super-size a #3.

And as a business develops it could receive insurance company reimbursement for the treatment of ED related ailments. We could call this oral penile rehabilitation or OPR for short (no pun intended). Think of it, for a small co-pay you could go into one of these retail establishments and get better.

And just think of all of the jobs that would be created, providers would have health Insurance (please, no Obamacare jokes), steady hours, consistent security and all of the goodwill that would be spread throughout the community. I think the line would be out the door and around the corner for this.

BNG, we’re here for the community. (I have too much time on my hands).

Just my thoughts, everyone be safe and have a great day.
jimmyBJ's Avatar
Vote Yes! On BNG ballot measure #2
TrophyWifeHunter's Avatar
Guys would stop in everyday instead of trolling the streets!
This is a great idea.
Risn2TheOccasion's Avatar
I know a good franchise attorney. You could be the Ray Kroc of the Blow N Go. Over 1 Billion served in no time at all.