Castle Doctrine 101

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This is the Texas "Castle Doctrine" or "Castle Law" as passed by the Texas Legislature and signed by the Governor. The law went into affect in 2007.

Below is a copy of the Texas Castle Doctrine also known as Texas Castle Law or as Texas Castle Bill
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relating to the use of force or deadly force in defense of a person.
SECTION 1. Section 9.01, Penal Code, is amended by adding Subdivisions (4) and (5) to read as follows:
(4) “Habitation” has the meaning assigned by Section 30.01.
(5) “Vehicle” has the meaning assigned by Section 30.01.
SECTION 2. Section 9.31, Penal Code, is amended by amending Subsection (a) and adding Subsections (e) and (f) to read as follows:
(a) Except as provided in Subsection (b), a person is justified in using force against another when and to the degree the actor [he] reasonably believes the force is immediately necessary to protect the actor [himself] against the other’s use or attempted use of unlawful force. The actor’s belief that the force was immediately necessary as described by this subsection is presumed to be reasonable if the actor:
(1) knew or had reason to believe that the person against whom the force was used:
(A) unlawfully and with force entered, or was attempting to enter unlawfully and with force, the actor’s occupied habitation, vehicle, or place of business or employment;
(B) unlawfully and with force removed, or was attempting to remove unlawfully and with force, the actor from the actor’s habitation, vehicle, or place of business or employment; or
(C) was committing or attempting to commit aggravated kidnapping, murder, sexual assault, aggravated sexual assault, robbery, or aggravated robbery;
(2) did not provoke the person against whom the force was used; and
(3) was not otherwise engaged in criminal activity, other than a Class C misdemeanor that is a violation of a law or ordinance regulating traffic at the time the force was used.
(e) A person who has a right to be present at the location where the force is used, who has not provoked the person against whom the force is used, and who is not engaged in criminal activity at the time the force is used is not required to retreat before using force as described by this section.
(f) For purposes of Subsection (a), in determining whether an actor described by Subsection (e) reasonably believed that the use of force was necessary, a finder of fact may not consider whether the actor failed to retreat.
SECTION 3. Section 9.32, Penal Code, is amended to read as follows:
Sec. 9.32. DEADLY FORCE IN DEFENSE OF PERSON. (a) A person is justified in using deadly force against another:
(1) if the actor [he] would be justified in using force against the other under Section 9.31; and
(2) [if a reasonable person in the actor's situation would not have retreated; and
[(3)] when and to the degree the actor [he] reasonably believes the deadly force is immediately necessary:
(A) to protect the actor [himself] against the other’s use or attempted use of unlawful deadly force; or
(B) to prevent the other’s imminent commission of aggravated kidnapping, murder, sexual assault, aggravated sexual assault, robbery, or aggravated robbery.
(b) The actor’s belief under Subsection (a)(2) that the deadly force was immediately necessary as described by that subdivision is presumed to be reasonable if the actor:
(1) knew or had reason to believe that the person against whom the deadly force was used:
(A) unlawfully and with force entered, or was attempting to enter unlawfully and with force, the actor’s occupied habitation, vehicle, or place of business or employment;
(B) unlawfully and with force removed, or was attempting to remove unlawfully and with force, the actor from the actor’s habitation, vehicle, or place of business or employment; or
(C) was committing or attempting to commit an offense described by Subsection (a)(2)(B);
(2) did not provoke the person against whom the force was used; and
(3) was not otherwise engaged in criminal activity, other than a Class C misdemeanor that is a violation of a law or ordinance regulating traffic at the time the force was used [requirement imposed by Subsection (a)(2) does not apply to an actor who uses force against a person who is at the time of the use of force committing an offense of unlawful entry in the habitation of the actor].
(c) A person who has a right to be present at the location where the deadly force is used, who has not provoked the person against whom the deadly force is used, and who is not engaged in criminal activity at the time the deadly force is used is not required to retreat before using deadly force as described by this section.
(d) For purposes of Subsection (a)(2), in determining whether an actor described by Subsection (c) reasonably believed that the use of deadly force was necessary, a finder of fact may not consider whether the actor failed to retreat.
SECTION 4. Section 83.001, Civil Practice and Remedies Code, is amended to read as follows:
Sec. 83.001. CIVIL IMMUNITY [AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE]. A [It is an affirmative defense to a civil action for damages for personal injury or death that the] defendant who uses force or[, at the time the cause of action arose, was justified in using] deadly force that is justified under Chapter 9 [Section 9.32], Penal Code, is immune from civil liability for personal injury or death that results from the defendant’s [against a person who at the time of the] use of force or deadly force, as applicable [was committing an offense of unlawful entry in the habitation of the defendant].
SECTION 5. (a) Sections 9.31 and 9.32, Penal Code, as amended by this Act, apply only to an offense committed on or after the effective date of this Act. An offense committed before the effective date of this Act is covered by the law in effect when the offense was committed, and the former law is continued in effect for this purpose. For the purposes of this subsection, an offense is committed before the effective date of this Act if any element of the offense occurs before the effective date.
(b) Section 83.001, Civil Practice and Remedies Code, as amended by this Act, applies only to a cause of action that accrues on or after the effective date of this Act. An action that accrued before the effective date of this Act is governed by the law in effect at the time the action accrued, and that law is continued in effect for that purpose.
SECTION 6. This Act takes effect September 1, 2007.

boardman's opinion and commentary:

The unstated consequence of this law is to afford the "actor" a presumption of innocence that any other citizen is protected by. Prior to Castle legislation the burden of proof was laid on the shoulders of the defendant to prove his life was in grave danger and there was no possible way of retreating.

This law gives a reasonable person the right to use deadly force to protect himself in his home. It assumes that grave danger is imminent upon forced entry or forcibly taking persons or property from the home. In other words if a person is forcing their way into your home or illegally taking persons or property from your home then they are assumed of being capable of causing death to you and you have the right to protect yourself and family with deadly force. It also gives a reasonable person the right to use deadly force to protect other persons and their property from assault, theft and similar aggravated criminal activity anywhere he has a legal right to be.

The law specifically disallows a defense of the actor for provoking the use of deadly force. In other words he can't pick a fight.

effectively the law boils down to placing the burden of proof that the "actor" committed a crime on the prosecution as it should be if we are going to presume "innocent until proven guilty" applies to everyone.

In addition, if the prosecution can't bring a criminal case against the actor then the person against whom the force was used or their family cannot receive civil remedy due to the same presumption of innocence.

As always ignorance of the law is not an excuse. CHL holders in Texas must go through state mandated classroom training the majority of which focuses on conflict resolution and the consequences of using deadly force.

As citizens we should we should know our rights and the expectations placed on us by the law. A criminal should also reasonably be expected to understand that he is placing his life in grave danger by committing offenses for which deadly force is legally justified. Once again, ignorance of the law is no excuse and should apply equally to everyone.

Some State's "castle laws" have different terminology but I believe the intended effect is to provide the type of protections as I have stated above. No more, no less.
And the Florida legislators who drafted the Stand Your Ground law that all the crazies are using to justify the shooting say it doesn't apply and that Zimmerman should probably be arrested.

The point I made in the other thread: when you pick the fight or follow after the person you think poses the threat, you lose the protections of the law:
Marcus78's Avatar
(e) A person who has a right to be present at the location where the force is used, who has not provoked the person against whom the force is used, and who is not engaged in criminal activity at the time the force is used is not required to retreat before using force as described by this section.
I think it is worth mentioning that the Castle Doctrine in Texas does not apply to those engaged in criminal activities at the time of the shooting. So ladies if you're engaged in prostitution, a Class B Misdemeanor, the law will not automatically apply to you as per the wording of the statute. It doesn't mean you won't be indemnified if and when you blow the fucker to Hell, but just be aware of the scope of the law...
Jeesh Boardman, how many damn threads do we have to have on the same subject?

pantsontheground's Avatar
George zimmerman is a hero.
boardman's Avatar
Jeesh Boardman, how many damn threads do we have to have on the same subject?

ijs Originally Posted by Sexyeccentric1

I don't know? How many stupid fucking threads does there need to be for the fucktards on the board to express their Limbaugh/Maher regurgitated opinions about Obama or Bush.

That aside, this is the only one that I know of specifically addressing the Castle doctrine. The others, that I assume you speak of, are about a particular incident and how people thinck it does or doesn't apply.

It seemed to me that there was some misinformation about the Castle Doctrine, it's intent and application. My hope was to open a discussion about those particular items. I chose the Texas Law as I live in Texas and am most familiar with it.

If anyone want's to comment on the OP go ahead. If you have opinions to express about the idiot Zimmerman or National politics in general, I can't stop you from looking like a troll if you want to post them in here but there are plenty other threads to post it in...ijs

If no one want's to comment let the thread die.
We need to merge all these threads on Travon Martin and Zimmerman and the Stand your ground laws . Too many to have to jump back and forth on.
Nice attempt at spin Timmyboy; but those Florida politicans didn't know that Zimmerman had been attacked by Martin, had been severly beaten by Martin, probably didn't know the thuggish history of Martin, and didn't know alot of others facts on the ground...they were just making a judgement call based on select 911 tapes........

And the Florida legislators who drafted the Stand Your Ground law that all the crazies are using to justify the shooting say it doesn't apply and that Zimmerman should probably be arrested.

The point I made in the other thread: when you pick the fight or follow after the person you think poses the threat, you lose the protections of the law: Originally Posted by timpage

.........I appreciated Boardman's posting of the Texas law.

Jeesh Boardman, how many damn threads do we have to have on the same subject?

ijs Originally Posted by Sexyeccentric1
boardman's Avatar
We need to merge all these threads on Travon Martin and Zimmerman and the Stand your ground laws . Too many to have to jump back and forth on. Originally Posted by Sexyeccentric1
What part of my last post didn't you understand?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-26-2012, 03:56 PM
What part of my last post didn't you understand? Originally Posted by boardman
Shoot that SOB if he makes a move for ya bm!
Shoot that SOB if he makes a move for ya bm! Originally Posted by WTF
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Hold on WTF. You're supposed to yell "He's coming right at me!" before you shoot. Thanks Jimbo!

I can't draw a cartoon but I see a cliff. Many people are jumping off that cliff (jumping to conclusions) and others are still standing on the top of the cliff (waiting for more information). The falling people are yelling back to the top of the cliff, "Racists".
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-27-2012, 06:57 AM
Hold on WTF. You're supposed to yell "He's coming right at me!" before you shoot. Thanks Jimbo!

I can't draw a cartoon but I see a cliff. Many people are jumping off that cliff (jumping to conclusions) and others are still standing on the top of the cliff (waiting for more information). The falling people are yelling back to the top of the cliff, "Racists". Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Finally, something we agree on!

This forum did the exact same thing to Joe Paterno.

We should rename this the "Lynch Mob'' Forum or ''Hearsay? We'll Convict'em''. If all these posters fuc like they reason, then our ladies are safe because they will blow their load before they can get their pecker out their pants.
Joe Paterno knew he had a pedophile working in his department/university. Joe Paterno didn't care if some of his athletes/students were at risk. Joe Paterno, ignored what he knew and what others knew. Joe Paterno didn't do the right thing.