Off the wall combo's..

So im siiting here enjoying a glass of Beringer Cali Moscato Wine and a white grilledcheese sandwich....

then I got to thinking ..ehhh thats kinda a weird combo..but yet tastey!!

And I thought am I the only one??? So let me ask you...

What is your fav off the wall combo of food and drink...
I am at home for lunch with my wife after taking this morning off for personal reasons.

She just served me a pita bread stuffed with avocado, roasted red pepper, portabello mushroom, plus a porridge with a poached egg. Very nice!
roscoe14850's Avatar
Glass of orange juice with a brownie. I love any combination of orange & chocolate!
Rosco have you tried that chocolate ball that you slam against the wall and it breaks down into slivered comes in orange and another flavor....I would love to try it..however I have serious allergies to OJ...
roscoe14850's Avatar
That's too bad, terry's are awesome!
One of my all time favorites is a garbage plate from Nick's and a bottle of Dom Perignon Rose..The champagne with a deep color and hints of amber and copper.. Just like the hints of metal in the garbage plate!!! ahhh memories...
roscoe14850's Avatar
One of my all time favorites is a garbage plate from Nick's and a bottle of Dom Perignon Rose..The champagne with a deep color and hints of amber and copper.. Just like the hints of metal in the garbage plate!!! ahhh memories... Originally Posted by NIgel007
Where's my damn bread?
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Back in the day of 24/7 at Nick's. And Nick was still running the place. it was not unheard of to have a wino outside with plate in hand begging with other for cash to buy some Wild Irish Rose to wash down the plate.
but always thought it weird when bars sold candy. its like give me a snickers and a screwdriver or a mouns and rum and coke
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Its so you can give her Chocolate, and get her drunk.
  • Chloe
  • 03-09-2011, 02:02 PM
Cream cheese and green olive sandwich with a margarita! mmmmmm
ConsultantGuy's Avatar
OMG Chloe, what? I’ll toast a Margarita with you – but an green olive and cream cheese sandwich – no offense – but that sounds disgusting (lol). But that being said, I don’t even like olives in my martinis … so maybe disgusting is a little harsh

roscoe14850's Avatar
Cream cheese and green olive sandwich with a margarita! mmmmmm Originally Posted by Chloe
Actually sounds interesting, the saltyness of the olives would bring out the sweetness of the cream cheese. What kind of bread? Rye? Pumpernickel?
Plus the green olives calm down your stomach with motion sickness!!!
And enjoying chocolate with wine makes the wine taste just a tad bit better...
Mac and cheese with ketchup mmmmmmmmm and gotta have a glass of Cabin Fever with it yumm!