About warning

Hi! I知 been getting warnings in two weeks, not sure why? First because of my pictures, second because I知 posting on the weekly page.. can y値l please explain to me how to use this site before giving me warnings. I知 here to have some fun not to cause any problems or to get in trouble. If I知 doing things wrong is because I don稚 know how to use this site. I知 from OH2 when I sign in on OH2 the people who manage the site help me since day one and they teach me how to use the site, also always answered any question I had to protect me. So I don稚 see why if y値l know I知 doing things wrong why y値l don稚 contact me and explain to me before giving me so many warnings. Like I said I知 a good girl and educated I知 not here for drama so can y値l please tell me where can I post my daily ability? I don稚 want no more warnings for something I don稚 know. So please HELP ME
SASpurfan's Avatar
Doesn't seem to be an unreasonable request.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 01-27-2019, 10:58 PM
Sweet Angel...

Please check your PM's.