Let's compare and contrast...leftwing member please weight in.

The LSM and all our leftwing friends on this board have gone apoplectic on this "DIRE HEALTH CONCERN"...where were their concerns in 2009??

Figures don't lie, But liars figure...

In April 2009, H1N1 Became a Pandemic; 6 Months Later, After 1,000 U.S. Deaths, Obama Finally Declared it a Public Health Emergency

Posted at 3:30 pm on March 1, 2020 by Elizabeth Vaughn

Former US President Barack Obama attends a town hall meeting at the ‘European School For Management And Technology’ (ESMT) in Berlin, Germany, Saturday, April 6, 2019. (AP Photo/Michael Sohn)

In April 2009, H1N1 (the swine flu) was first detected in the U.S. According to the CDC, this “virus was a unique combination of influenza virus genes never previously identified in either animals or people.” Sounds almost like the descriptions we’ve been hearing of the coronavirus.

It began to spread immediately and President Obama addressed Americans briefly (1:27) at the end of April. He said that U.S. health officials were monitoring the situation. He recommended that if a student becomes infected, his or her school should consider closing down temporarily to contain the disease. Obama said he had requested $1.5 billion from Congress to support the government’s efforts. Finally, he called on Americans to take the same precautions they would to prevent any other flu. “Wash your hands, cover your mouth when you cough. Stay home from work if you’re sick.” And he assured us the government would do whatever it takes to keep Americans safe.
I don’t think House Speaker Nancy Pelosi or then-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid accused him of not asking for enough money. And I’d be willing to bet no one accused him of not doing enough to keep Americans safe.
They had far more important things on their mind at the time. They were preoccupied with passing The Affordable Care Act in the spring of 2009 and the swine flu was an unwanted distraction.
By October, Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the CDC told CNN, “millions of people in the United States have been infected, at least 20,000 have been hospitalized and more than 1,000 have died.”

President Obama finally declared H1N1 a public health emergency on October 24, 2009. He issued a statement which read, “The 2009 H1N1 pandemic continues to evolve. The rates of illness continue to rise rapidly within many communities across the nation, and the potential exists for the pandemic to overburden health care resources in some localities. Thus, in recognition of the continuing progression of the pandemic, and in further preparation as a nation, we are taking additional steps to facilitate our response.”
On November 12, 2009, the CDC reported an estimated 22 million Americans had been infected with H1N1 and 4,000 Americans had died.
Fast forward to 2020. China first reported the coronavirus to the World Health Organization on December 31, 2019.
According to the American Journal of Clinical Pathology:
On December 30, 2019, scientists in China “a cluster of patients with pneumonia of unknown etiology was observed in Wuhan, China, and reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) China bureau in Beijing. A week later, January 7, 2020, a new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) was isolated from these patients.”
On January 31, 2020, President Trump declared a public health emergency. USA Today reported that “quarantines of Americans who have recently been to certain parts of China” had been set up, “the first quarantine order issued by the federal government in over 50 years.”
Among the other steps taken:
[The government] began restricting U.S. access to non-citizens from China. Flights filled with U.S. citizens who were in Wuhan were brought to America and those people were quarantined on U.S. military bases for two weeks.
U.S. citizens who have been in China’s Hubei province during the past 14 days and are returning to the U.S. States will undergo health screenings and be monitored during mandatory quarantines of up to 14 days, officials said.
[Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex] Azar also announced a temporary suspension of entry into the United States of foreign nationals who pose a risk for the transmission of the coronavirus.
All flights from China to the U.S. will be funneled to one of seven airports that are designated ports of entry: New York, San Francisco, Seattle, Honolulu, Los Angeles, Chicago and Atlanta.
The Trump Administration took decisive action to minimize the impact of the coronavirus in the first month. The disease had been declared a public health emergency one month before the first U.S. death. Despite the unwarranted criticism coming from the left, the government appears to be focused on protecting Americans.
When asked what more the Trump Administration could be doing, Democrats have no real answers. But that doesn’t stop them. Late last week, a New Democratic talking point was heard. CNN’s Brian Stelter wasn’t smart enough to originate it, but as always, he’s happy to tow the party line.
He sent out the following tweet: “Since the dawn of the Trump era, countless experts have warned that the president’s lack of credibility would imperil the country in the event of an emergency. As the coronavirus outbreak worsens, those fears may be coming true…”
Never at a loss for words and tired of the Democrats’ BS, James Woods called Stelter a “Helium-voiced little b*tch.”
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Never at a loss for words and tired of the Democrats’ BS, James Woods called Stelter a “Helium-voiced little b*tch.” Originally Posted by bb1961

helium-voiced little bitch???

interesting choice of words to describe a whiny person.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
You have no corners to hide in. So he just runs scared and pouts like a school girl at the empty desk.



The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You have no corners to hide in. So he just runs scared and pouts like a school girl at the empty desk.

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

face it, Obama blew it and yous knew it. yer demigod denied and people died! are yous happy with that?
eccieuser9500's Avatar
face it, Obama blew it and yous knew it. yer demigod denied and people died! are yous happy with that? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Whatabout, whatabout, whatabout. You guys are so stupid.

The sad history of the U.S government fighting pandemics


In the 1980s, as the HIV/AIDS epidemic ravaged the world, the administration of President Reagan did not take a proactive approach either. In fact, they first treated it almost like a joke. A documentary short shared by Vanity Fair revealed audio of a 1982 press conferences by Reagan's press secretary Larry Speakes, who was joking about the AIDS epidemic with the media, clearly not taking it as a serious public health issue while thousands were dying. When asked if the President was concerned, Speakes stated "I haven't heard him express concern".



The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Whatabout, whatabout, whatabout. You guys are so stupid.

The sad history of the U.S government fighting pandemics


Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

what an idiot yous is.


No refuge in Europe

When White moved to France in 1983 through a prestigious Guggenheim Fellowship for writing, he thought he was escaping this new disease, at least for a while. He liked Paris so much that he stayed there -- "with its drizzle, as cool, grey and luxurious as chinchilla," he writes in the autobiographical novel "The Farewell Symphony" -- beyond the year that he had planned.

But HIV began hitting the country in a big way. One of its early victims was French philosopher Michel Foucault, also gay, who invited White over for dinner a few times for rich meals without vegetables. When White brought up AIDS, Foucault laughed and accused him of being puritanical, calling it an "invented" disease "aimed just at gays to punish them for having unnatural sex." The esteemed thinker died of the disease in the summer of 1984.

"In Paris AIDS was dismissed as an American phobia until French people started dying; then everyone said, 'Well, you have to die some way or another.' If Americans were hysterical and pragmatic, the French were fatalistic, depressed but determined to keep the party going," White writes in "The Farewell Symphony."

your point is .. what?????

Reagan bad? France bad? fags bad?

the early cocktails of drugs they threw at the issue killed more than they helped. butt those butt fucker faggots were the guinea pigs that had to be sacrificed to fix the fag disease .. right?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
what an idiot yous is.

the early cocktails of drugs they threw at the issue killed more than they helped. butt those butt fucker faggots were the guinea pigs that had to be sacrificed to fix the fag disease .. right? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

that was cold!

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-09-2020, 07:31 AM
Fiddling about Obama while the Market crashes...

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-09-2020, 07:33 AM
face it, Obama blew it and yous knew it. yer demigod denied and people died! are yous happy with that? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
How's your Corona Stock doing junior?

Fiddling about Obama while the Market crashes...

Originally Posted by WTF
How's your Corona Stock doing junior?

Originally Posted by WTF
Someone appears a little butthurt that Obama's legacy of failures is being brought up.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-09-2020, 07:46 AM
Someone appears a little butthurt that Obama's legacy of failures is being brought up. Originally Posted by eccielover
Who cares....Obama is not running for President in 2020.

Who cares....Obama is not running for President in 2020.

Originally Posted by WTF
Yup, definitely butthurt that Trump outdid Obama in a similar situation. Poor guy has to pretend it doesn't matter.

Much like Eccie95K's response. Can't mention the messiah in comparison to Trump.
HoeHummer's Avatar
They closed the markets this morning while yous assholes were busy chirping about Obama.

Now yous won’t be able to afford your Old Milwaukee and Slim Jim’s...

Fucking idiots.

One star genital!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-09-2020, 09:40 AM
They closed the markets this morning ! Originally Posted by HoeHummer
That explains why TheWackoKid is out on the beach looking for his Corona fortune!

  • oeb11
  • 03-09-2020, 09:40 AM

ftw - thank you for your usual nonsense - and 9500! -