Just my 2 cents...

Reincarnated's Avatar
In the past year I have met many new providers both socially and BCD. I have really enjoyed meeting them and getting to know them on a casual basis and some more in-depth.

So many of our lovely ladies are single moms struggling to make sure their kids have a good home to grow up in since dad didn't care to stick around and help. Several have been in jail, raped, molested, beaten and just in general been treated the way no human being should be ever be treated. I am amazed at their inner strength and resolve to survive.

My guess is most of you just have a good time and leave and I get that, but for those of you that have the time and have a tender heart like I do, take a minute to learn about their struggles and be a guy that does more that leave money on the table. Do something to help, even if its something as simple as giving them a ride to the store for something, to make their live a little better. If enough of us do that, we will have improved their lives and their kids lives immensely and helped these wonderful ladies feel loved and appreciated, something they all have been greatly lacking in their lives.

Just a thought.....
That is a good thought. With many of the local ATX MILFs, they do need help and its nice to be a person who can be there as a friend and well as a client. Be sure to keep boundaries in place as both the hobbyist and the provider may my cross lines that shouldn't be crossed. Or if knowingly crossing lines, know it and be ready to accept the responsibilities of more than a client/provider relationship.

In my experience, the best thing a hobbyist can do for a provider who is a single mom with lots of real world issues is to be a client that can be counted on to show up on time, pay the agreed amount, not pressure the lady into activities for which she is not comfortable, finally treat her with respect and consideration for the excellent services she is providing, find some little things you might do to make her day better wrt to the hobby, and leave at the appointed time, unless she makes it abundantly clear she has time and wants you to stay longer--tip accordingly to the extra time.

Don't be a cheap ass guy to take advantage of someone's kindness to you.
WK Thread of the Year!

Seriously, be respectful, courteous, and professional in your encounter, pay your fare, and keep it moving! Providers don't want us inserting ourselves in their personal lives just like I don't want providers injecting themselves in my personal life. Unforeseen externalities can really muddy the waters when mixing money and emotions. Besides, for the single mother providers we are helping them out. Large Infusions of cash with flexible schedule. It's a win win.
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 06-14-2015, 12:47 AM
In or outside the hobby I try to stick to my own golden rule:

Never give out anything that you cannot afford to lose, be it money, time or feelings.
Kfun12's Avatar
Several years ago I had an appointment with a visiting lady here in ATX. I'm getting dressed and were chatting and she starts looking up info for a cab and the nearest AT&T store. I told her the nearest store was only a couple miles down the road and that I would be happy to give her a ride.

She throws on clothes and off we go. By clothes, I mean micro skirt, 6 inch heels and silky, revealing top...lol. She looked great, but the looks I got in the store were hilarious!

Carry on....
Reincarnated's Avatar
Emotions don't have to be involved and you only help if asked or you know they really need it. I'm my experience, buying few small things and some time made a huge difference in a couple girls lives. Again, just be a stand up guy, and be kind and empathetic. Many of them have been through hell and don't need any of us stoking the furnace by being inconsiderate of their time or services. Again...just my 2 cents
What I really like about your post is how it humanizes our ladies. The only thing I would change is that not several but almost all of our providers have had out of the ordinary traumatic lives. For me, getting to know real person behind the provider facade makes the sex a more intense experience.
Reincarnated's Avatar
Many are really wonderful and just got shit for parents or bad men or rotten luckin their lives. I try to be a compasionate, positive person in their life and I hope that others will consider doing the same...thanks Chuckles
There would be a great deal more credibility in such actions if one were to offer such compassionate assistance without fucking her.

Otherwise it's just White Knighting and fantasy.

Show her that you see her as someone other than a depository and maybe she'll take pause to wonder if your gesture of really caring just might be legit.

She's had an entire life to learn that men always have an agenda.

Once you've fucked her you're just another john who's living the "Help a hooker fantasy" and she'll be only too happy to take from you.

In my experience, the best thing a hobbyist can do for any provider is to be a client that can be counted on to show up on time, pay the agreed amount, not pressure the lady into activities for which she is not comfortable, finally treat her with respect and consideration for the excellent services she is providing, find some little things you might do to make her day better wrt to the hobby, and leave at the appointed time, unless she makes it abundantly clear she has time and wants you to stay longer--tip accordingly to the extra time. (...) Originally Posted by BugleBoy

But doesn't this apply to so many of our daily interactions outside the hobby? I find that people who use common sense outside the hobby are wonderful, pleasant people within the hobby.
Reincarnated's Avatar
Windinhishair, I agree with you in a way but when I help there are no strings attached, nothing expected in return, otherwise I'm be just playing them for favors.
Jon[s]'s Avatar
We all have problems. We all are going through or just went through a storm. We all want better, both for ourselves and for those we care about. This is nothing new. Just another one of life's many dynamics.

When I'm with a provider, I don't think about those things tbh. It's not important to me. Whats important is me sharing this moment and my body with her and vice versa.

I just want to get lost for a few hours.
Reincarnated's Avatar
I hear that Jon(s).....many times me too, but that is what my ATF is for! She is wonderful, well adjusted and has had a normal life, she just likes to play, but she travels alot...
Still Looking's Avatar
He is a sweet heart isn't he?