Senator Menendez......DUI Illegals Are Not Criminals

Oh, really.

I tell you what. Go to your local bar. Down about 4 Jack Black shots, get in your car, and get pulled over.

When you blow .5 and flunk the field sobriety test, they will handcuff your ass and haul you to the County Jail.

You just became a “criminal”.

What a fukin’ Stupid thing for a US Senator to say.
Isn't Menendez the guy who had sex with a [illegal topic]
bambino's Avatar
Just like newborns aren’t human
  • oeb11
  • 02-12-2019, 08:00 PM
JS - legal intoxication level is 0.08% blood alcohol level -BAC
I seem to remember utah lowered to 0.05% - not entirely sure of state.

Lethal level for 50% of people is .40%BAC
0.5% - one helluva last drunk.

Menendez is just pandering to get more illegals from south of the Border into the Democratic DPST fold/.
Dickey9090's Avatar
Isn't Menendez the guy who had sex with a [illegal topic] Originally Posted by friendly fred
Yes he travels to Dominican Republic to get his fix
Yes he travels to Dominican Republic to get his fix Originally Posted by Dickey9090
I thought so...fucking [illegal word] liberal like Epstein and Clinton.
rexdutchman's Avatar
What a fukin’ Stupid thing for a US Senator to say, the idiocy continues
JS - legal intoxication level is 0.08% blood alcohol level -BAC
I seem to remember utah lowered to 0.05% - not entirely sure of state.

Lethal level for 50% of people is .40%BAC
0.5% - one helluva last drunk.

Menendez is just pandering to get more illegals from south of the Border into the Democratic DPST fold/. Originally Posted by oeb11
I forgot the zero, Texas is .05.

I don't drink, so I don't have to worry about that sort of thing.