For Blacks Only (no need to reply) it's all rhetorical

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Just something for you to think about.

What you are doing now is what you would have done back then. If you've ever sat in a history class or watched a movie on slavery and said to yourself:" Man I would have done so and so and I would have never let those caucasions do that shit to me." Just keep in mind that what you're doing now is what you would have done then.

If you're black and dont like my occasional topics on race relations in America it's highly likely you would have been a snitch, unstrustworthy boot licking trustee.

If you sit back and just watch TV and never join a protest or support a cause whether silently, verbally, fiancially, or through real sweat equity then you would have been a lamb back in the day basically a sheep for the slaughter.

Field Negros like me would have been like Nat Turner. Again it's rhetorical but just something for you to think about. When that time comes dont be scared be prepared by participating now.
LittleSpike's Avatar
I protested by voting for President Trump. is that good enough for you?

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
hey uncle Rukus I am not mad at ya... I will just say that for as self defeating and self hating as you are we actually need black people like you. We need a very small percent of house negros like you so that we can use you as an example of what NOT to be as teachable moments to our youth.

LittleSpike's Avatar
Thanks for participating in my hobby (showing how ignorant some Black people are, who reside on the Democrat plantation).

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Whoever said I was democrat? one thing for sure you are straight uncle Rukus. You clearly suffer from some form of Stockholm Syndrome. I didnt mention any politician by name you felt the need to let everyone know you like sucking Trump's dick. You volunteered that info.

You're problem is that you seek white acceptance you're not comfortable in your skin.
LittleSpike's Avatar

If you're going to quote Malcom, get it right.

LittleSpike's Avatar
It's clear to me that you're a brainwashed racist idiot, who doesn't have a clue. You have no idea of what I have done or experienced in 70+ years in this country, so (politely) you can kiss my ass.

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I think its sad you hate yourself. I bet when you go out with your white male friends you always offer to pay right? It's sad your an old man and still thirsty as fuck for acceptance. Thank God there's a new generation of us with common sense. You're so jaded sounds like you waited a lifetime for white people to think you were decent. I feel sorry for you
LittleSpike's Avatar
I don't seek acceptance from anyone, white, black or any other race or ethnicity. It's clear that logic is not your strong suit, but to infer everything you've spouted, just because I don't follow your cultural and political beliefs, reveals your lack of intellect. Grow up little boy.

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I don't seek acceptance from anyone, white, black or any other race or ethnicity. It's clear that logic is not your strong suit, but to infer everything you've spouted, just because I don't follow your cultural and political beliefs, reveals your lack of intellect. Grow up little boy.

LS Originally Posted by LittleSpike
my culture and political beliefs asisde you volunteered that you voted Trump...a man that wouldnt rent an apartment to you....and a man that refers to you as one of the blacks..the only reason to vote for such a creature is because you're clearly and openly seeking acceptance. If you couldnt find a candidate acceptable the other option was to stay home...but naaah you chose dishonor your self...You remind me of Jesse Lee Peterson.

LittleSpike's Avatar
My questions for you: Did you marry a Black woman? Have you raised Black children? Do you understand the damage done to Black families by failed Liberal ideology? Do you understand the political agenda that has ravaged this country for the past 50+ years? I think you have a problem identifying your friends, vs your enemies.

Slitlikr's Avatar
OP'S subject line and posts are offensive and racist.
Who can I sue?
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
My questions for you: Did you marry a Black woman? Have you raised Black children? Do you understand the damage done to Black families by failed Liberal ideology? Do you understand the political agenda that has ravaged this country for the past 50+ years? I think you have a problem identifying your friends, vs your enemies.

LS Originally Posted by LittleSpike
I dont believe in marriage, I dont hsve kids but I was once a black child. Last I checked Liberal ideology paved the way for you to work only 40 hrs a week, have the weekends off, paid vacation, family medical leave, civil rights, affirmative action and many other benefits. The conservative converse that you support is 10x worse. If you married a black woman, raised black kids and was unsuccessful then share the blame. Yourself along with systemic oppression.

You're conflating black culture with liberalism....and its ok because most older black people tend to do that because you've bought into the idea that conservatism means success when its really only a good ole boy network at work. For example if I say Affirmative Action is a beneficial liberal effort you would also likely balk at the notion that conservative legacy based admissions is a bad thing.

My point is because you came up poor and now you have a little success 70 yrs later you've been duped to beleive it was because of your culture and politics when all along it was and still is good ole boy rascism. You can thank liberals for paving the way for whatever success you think you may be experiencing today.
LittleSpike's Avatar
Congratulations, you win. You have shown yourself to be beyond redemption. I'm sure it's best that you chose not to procreate, because you have nothing to contribute to the gene pool.

DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Little Spike owns SC's ass. Give it up race baiter, the racist thread is over before the end of page 1.